I'm very new and having started Strat sent me right back to the beginning so on my re-trawl through the whole thread I came across your post 1426 where you mention the minimum trade on IG.
There is a way to 'get round' that minimum of you wanted to close out half the 50p trade. You may have no interest in this but if you were thinking of closing half your trade after BE you can enter a sell trade for 0.25 (if you were long at 50p) which will operate and leave you with a trade of 0.25 long.
Please don't tell IG this but it is a way around their minimum. I use it quite a lot on trades for commodities and indices when the minimum is too large for my account or for my attempts at 'realistic demo' trading. So if the minimum is X and I want to trade at 50X% say, I enter the trade for X and immediately enter another trade for a sell at 50%X. All I lose is the spread. Obviously it works the other way for a short.