Your best bet is simply to ignore the financial trolls. You know what you've done and you know how you did it. You know it works. These fools know nothing about you. Their opinions don't matter. Let them live their blissful lives of ignorance funded by debt and fifty years of working for The Man.
You can't reach everyone. In fact, you're only going to be able to help a handful of people. That's okay. Those few are your peeps — and you're their peeps. Ignore the haters and focus on the fans.
Somebody convinced me that leaving FF will be a big mistake!...I am here...I am back.As i always say,I can't change the world,but i can change 1 person that can do the same thing to the next person.I can't help all of you directly,but i can help some indirectly.So lets gets the ball rolling again.