Count me in JetTrader. Though not sure how to be contacted later! All the best.
Live- streaming speaches off representatives off ECB, FOMC, Buba,... 7 replies
Live Streaming Charts for S&P and Dow Jones 11 replies
Streaming Simulated Data 4 replies
DislikedJust curious. How many of you guys are interested in live trades from me and what Time Zone would you be connecting from, if you don't mind me asking?Ignored
Disliked{quote} He's crazier than anyone can imagine... He has ruined all of his usernames on all the other forums.. He has many usernames here... iDoubleStoch is a real gem lol.... JetTrader is the ultimate troll. People should be vary wary of anything he tries to offer you.. DO NOT GIVE HIM $1 100% SCAMMERIgnored
This is one of the prime reasons WHY 95% of Retail Traders Can't Graduate from Retail Hell and Never Become Serious Traders. Bucket Shop Forums where New Traders learn nothing that moves them ahead, but lots of things that cause them to blow up their accounts.
I'm here to expose that.
Disliked{quote} He's crazier than anyone can imagine... He has ruined all of his usernames on all the other forums.. He has many usernames here... iDoubleStoch is a real gem lol.... JetTrader is the ultimate troll. People should be vary wary of anything he tries to offer you.. DO NOT GIVE HIM $1 100% SCAMMERIgnored
Disliked{quote} He's crazier than anyone can imagine... He has ruined all of his usernames on all the other forums.. He has many usernames here... iDoubleStoch is a real gem lol.... JetTrader is the ultimate troll. People should be vary wary of anything he tries to offer you.. DO NOT GIVE HIM $1 100% SCAMMERIgnored
Premiere coming in under 12 hours, Troll.
Disliked{quote} He's crazier than anyone can imagine... He has ruined all of his usernames on all the other forums.. He has many usernames here... iDoubleStoch is a real gem lol.... JetTrader is the ultimate troll. People should be vary wary of anything he tries to offer you.. DO NOT GIVE HIM $1 100% SCAMMERIgnored
Troll Hunter
Trolls Destroyed.
Disliked{quote} And, when I come back to this forum after the challenge, I'll have yet another user id. This time, I'm going to call it: Troll Hunter I'm going to make one (1) post that reads: Trolls Destroyed. Talk about predicting the future. There's your 14 month future right there, Troll. You asked for it.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Well, since you mentioned BigShooter: Some of us are. Some of us aren't. Everybody can't be an IDPA Grand Master. However, I am standing in the video waiting for my Stage near 2:11. Do you see me? You fail every time you open your mouth to someone you know absolutely zero about, Troll.Ignored
Disliked{quote} But of course!!! Your a Grandmaster sharpshooter !!!! In several different areas obviously Nope I don't see you Jet... I see right thru you tho...Ignored
Disliked{quote} You need to learn how to see through yourself first. I'm in the back standing directly left of the RO. The guy who looks like it might have played Professional Football in a previous life. That guy. That's me. That's what I look like today, Troll. You are just a full crap as our Governor who just announced that 56% of the entire State will contract the Corona Virus. Any idiot with a lightweight understanding of Statistics and Probability would tell you that making such a statement publicly is a sign of idiocy at best and woefully in appropriate...Ignored