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Grexit 4.0? Varoufakis Urges Tsipras: Ditch Negotiations, Adopt "Parallel System"


Former finance minister Yanis Varoufakis strikes back and, as KeepTalkingGreece reports, urges Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras to turn his back on Greece’s lenders, adopt a parallel payment system and to unilateral restructure the loans held by the European Central Bank. In an op-ed in Efimerida ton Syntakton, Varoufakis, Varoufakis calls on Tispras to prepare for break with creditors in order to avoid rupture. “This two-pronged preparation is the only way to prevent another excruciating retreat by the prime minister in the short term and [German Finance Minister Wolfgang] Schaeuble’s plan in the long term,” Varoufakis ... (full story)

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