Disliked{quote} 139 tradesnot significant (can you see what i did there!) and it's demo...

"There's a sucker born every minute" - P.T. Barnum
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Disliked{quote} 139 tradesnot significant (can you see what i did there!) and it's demo...
Disliked{quote} {quote} Yea well trading the markets vs finding exploitable repeating patterns is not the same.But as you wish, one day i will have a significant sample anywayIgnored
QuoteDislikedAs for Mary, it could be 1/3, if you dont know any additional information, i`m not a doctor, but i`m sure there are methods to measure the outcome more precisely than that, and i think some genetics still play a role here.But of course without those information you have no way of knowing.
Disliked{quote} sure, just having some fun... looks to be going ok so far, well doneIgnored
Disliked{quote} You need a post-doctoral diploma in genetics to answer a riddle yet you can acurately predict the market... hmm interesting.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Power of the long tail. Yes, I am inclined to think that no matter what time frame there's an edge in this. It is to forget about 1:2 or 1:3 and only go for the trades that have potential of 1:7 and above at least because these events while rare are almost guaranteed to happen in a large enough sample of outcomes. Think Poisson distribution. In other words, the hypothesis of if I place 1:1RR trades in the markets randomly, then I will lose 50% of my trades implies that if I set 1:7, I will lose 7/8 of my trades is not true... the scaling...Ignored
Disliked{quote} I know there are a lot of people who do not seem to benefit from long tails, but take a look at any weekly chart and see how you would have benefited from scaling in to position in the direction of the trend. Most people struggle with profit because they are.... 1. not patient 2. feel like they need to be doing something. This is not factory work, it is a retail business. Thanks for your input snailshell.Ignored
Disliked{quote} I know there are a lot of people who do not seem to benefit from long tails, but take a look at any weekly chart and see how you would have benefited from scaling in to position in the direction of the trend. Most people struggle with profit because they are.... 1. not patient 2. feel like they need to be doing something. This is not factory work, it is a retail business. Thanks for your input snailshell.Ignored
Disliked{quote} A weekly tail is a very late entry, you would be on a pretty low leverage to withstand the inevitable (probable) shake out/ retrace... on a weekly scale. When I say "very late" I'm talking about 150-200 pips from the top/bottom. plus the time you wait for that candle! (At least a week)
Disliked{quote} 1 - It's late (25% of the move) And I'd ask you to tell me something I didn't already knowIgnored
Disliked{quote} Hey Jmn, kind of like what Blane was saying, but 25% of an intraday trend wouldn't be as late as 25% of a weekly move. in my view, a weekly tail is likely an established and possibly exhausted intraday trend. That's where I'm coming from.Ignored