DislikedIt is rock steady. The weights are unchanged and the mean and std dev are varying by only a few pips.Ignored

Old Dog with New Tricks 1,056 replies
Old Dog Fib Trading - EA Development 18 replies
Old Dog Fib Trading - EURUSD 399 replies
Taming the Almighty GBP/JPY 7 replies
Stumpy returns. Taming the beast... 16 replies
DislikedIt is rock steady. The weights are unchanged and the mean and std dev are varying by only a few pips.Ignored
Disliked7bit are you using the arbomat demo ea from your thread or something different?Ignored
DislikedI'm not a statistician.
I have just read the "granger 1974" paper (and understood ~10% of it) where he talks about these spurious regressions and one thing that he demonstrates in this paper is that if you try to regress one random walk onto another one (the absolute levels) you will get "significant" coefficients almost all of the time (and the t-statistic seems completely meaningless) and the more independent random walks you include the worse it gets BUT if you instead regress the first differences instead of the absolute prices then...Ignored
DislikedBut as far as forex is concerned I do not believe that a regression on absolute prices is complete nonsense per se, they might look like random walks and they might be non-stationary but they might very well have enough in common that not only the differences but also their absolute values are indeed related.Ignored
A quite understandable, and wonderfully optimistic thought!
Sadly, the facts say otherwise.Ignored
DislikedMontgomery & Peck state that if the ratio is less then 100, you probably have a good regression you can trust.Ignored
DislikedSo in order for the basket to move enough to be tradeable, the weights must be anything but those of the perfect hedge ratio, and equal weights is as good as any.Ignored