CME currency futures can be traded on Globex almost 24 hours . Globex closes for maintenance from 4-5 pm central time.

Signals per order #guaranteed 2 replies
Broker with fast order execution time 53 replies
NDD execution with no requotes or ECN execution with no requote 30 replies
MT4 Order Type: "Instant Execution" vs "Market Execution" 2 replies
Guaranteed stop broker. 6 replies
Quoting mikhaildgreatDislikedHello,
Im currently trading in FXDD and right now i jsut lost -54 pips because of NFP. But these trades should have been +125 pips. I had both sell and buy stop orders, my sell stop order got fulfilled 30 points away from my order, then since the TP is now above the open price, then they close the position at the TP price ending in a loss.
Quite ridiculouse in the way I see it. Im now looking for another broker since this is the second time this happened, whats the use of pending orders if they will not be executed at the requested price.
Does anybondy here know any good brokers with guaranteed order execution?
Quoting lordoDislikedCME currency futures can be traded on Globex almost 24 hours . Globex closes for maintenance from 4-5 pm central time.Ignored
Quoting lordoDislikedI have been trading futures for over 10 years mostly currencies thru the CME. While futures are subject to the same volitility as forex, I think it is easier to get a decent fill during news releases.Ignored
Quoting fx4funDislikedMy experience with Oanda FXTrade is the same. With a total of nearly 1,700 trades and numerous NFPs, using limit orders, I have only ever had slippage once and then of just 2 pips. I had 11 trades TP between 08:30:01 EST thro 08:30:58 EST today with no slippage at all.Ignored
DislikedI had the same issue happen to me this morning in the GBP/USD. I should have made good money, but instead, Xpresstrade opened my oder 50 pips above my entry price, and it was also above my TP level, so immediately upon opening my order, it was closed at a 40 pip loss.
My thoughts are that they should adjust my TP to match the entry slippage, or better yet, if they can't honor my entry price, just cancel the order for me.
I understand that entry prices can fluctuate during news, but there should be some way to adjust the TP or to cancel the order if it will create an immediate loss for the customer. Can anyone recommend a broker that won't allow you to have 50 points slippage, even when your order was placed a day or two before? MT4 brokers would be preferred.Ignored
I like the idea of the EA, but I"m not sure I understand how that helps with a market order. Let's say your EA uses a market order, and you get in 50 PIPs higher than you planned, does the EA allow you to move your TP as well, is that how you would set up the trade? My current broker did guarantee my TP limit order, they just didn't guarantee my entry stop, and I got 50 points of slippage. So my entry price actually was higher than my TP limit order, so I was immediately closed out for a 40 pip loss.
I looked at PGFX and I like what they are offering, but it still seems that they don't guarantee the entry stops, so that's the problem. I need a work around of that issue because I use daily trades that are set to scalp 10 - 20 pips on a break of support or resistance. Any additional help you could offer on how to set up the EA would be helpful.