Disliked{quote} oochiwaawaa blabla hahaha By the way: I have been trading with a live account (real money, but only my own) since 2008. Noone can learn trading with monopoly money IMO.Ignored
btw none of this is made up it is fact n real and u can look it up urself to fact check. but people like u are juuuuust dumb enough to think u can handle all that. so to me all that describes a fantasy role play game. and sorry but its very difficult to keep a straight face when u people say u do !!live tradin!! == as if that is something real or to be respected.
but have no doubt, i know YOU believe you are doin real stuff. like i said you ve walked into a gambling parlor and everythin bout it tries to make u believe its real, ESPECIALLY when you deposit ur !!money!!. so the losers on these sites who say they do !!live tradin!! or use !!live or real!! accounts are kiddin themself. gamblin to pay bills or make money is for the dumb, the daft and the lazy cheats.
now heres the corker == other people are dumb nough to believe em.
so please === tell me again that you do !!live tradin!! when, after lookin at the facts, theres nothin live bout what people do and it only shows peoples ignorance with money. so good times. have fun
protein for breakfast !