Disliked{quote} If you buy 1 CALL far OTM (very cheaply), then your 1 PUT at that price will be very expensive (far ITM ~ 1 delta). Same for the other side. What am I missing? Also how do you decide whether to do a) or b) ?Ignored
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Disliked{quote} If you buy 1 CALL far OTM (very cheaply), then your 1 PUT at that price will be very expensive (far ITM ~ 1 delta). Same for the other side. What am I missing? Also how do you decide whether to do a) or b) ?Ignored
DislikedI have wondered how options in the fx market could play a role in at least minimizing some risks. I’ll have to look into this more but interesting thread nonetheless imo. I have never traded options although I have an ok rather novice knowledge about them.Ignored
Disliked{quote} You should do it on a demo account to see. Your very expensive ITM is not really expensive, it looks like it costs a lot of money but it is comprised of mostly the difference between the current price and the price of that very expensive put. Is that what you are concerned about?Ignored