Hi @cpfleger, im new on this topic im learning ,
Congratulations for the amazing dedication !
Congratulations for the amazing dedication !
Trying scalping with a 1000 bucks - Scalping is expensive! 39 replies
strategy builder/tester for new scalping strategy 1 reply
1M & 5M Scalping System (Scalping Paradise) 21 replies
Reversals vs. CounterTrend Trade 28 replies
CounterTrend Trading 58 replies
DislikedHi Guys, I'd like to show you something, I started a 5k MFF challenge for testing, a week ago, the day after I started with my own technique, I came back here to the forum and decided to give the KoF technique a try... I don't know if it was luck or what, but in 1 week I passed phase 1. {image}Ignored
Dislikedjosh1111, Your old system, add the CCI Indicator to the RSI Window and compare, I do this everyday and validate Indicators performance. Especially now since the Brits are gone and currency pair volume has been drastically reduced. cpflegerIgnored
Dislikedsbongo; What settings are you using for the sars indi? The distance between the dots and the price bars seems too big. Compare the appearance of your chart and cpfleger's chart 4 posts before yours.Ignored