DislikedWell I just have so little time. I will post some updates.. Sorry about this.Ignored
Too busy screwing around in F.F

Just Trade It
flip indicator 3 replies
The Coin-Flip Theory 386 replies
The Coin Trade System aka Flip The Coin 67 replies
Coin Flip Reloaded 18 replies
Coin Flip with correct Money Management system. Will it profit ? 25 replies
DislikedWell I just have so little time. I will post some updates.. Sorry about this.Ignored
DislikedI just did this with a friend's strategy (which is quite profitable) that I watch out of curiosity and the entry accuracy was 40.1% when using a 10 bar exit. The bottom line is that it is not the entry accuracy that makes money. It's the management of the trade and correct position sizing that determine if you are going to survive.Ignored
Dislikedmaybe someone could do this historically... pick random dates and time of day and see how it would have turned out over i dunno... 100 trades?
Instead of waiting for this to be done in real time.
Only limit is your intraday historical data.
Really interesting subject though. I believe that MM is the most important aspect of trading.Ignored
DislikedSorry but this doesn’t work Markets are indeed random. But no MM can coorect that. You have 50/50 chance of going to SL at 100pips or TP at 10 pips. But your lotsize will be smaller at TP100 since you areday closed part of it at TP50. So no. Won’t work.Ignored