That's why they trade only with bracket orders, but NQ and it's volatility are important for learning. A little pain is a good teacher .
M candles / Custom candles for second charts 1 reply
Consecutive Candles Williams %R and Volume with 55EMA Baseline 788 replies
No candles on 15 minute charts 5 replies
Calculating only buy candles vs sell candles 2 replies
15 Minute MA+SAR trading strategy 19 replies
DislikedUpdate 4 of 5 have passed first step, the 1 person who hasn't is the impatient one who tends to leap into trades. Not losing money but stuck basically as slightly profitable. Had a long talk with him yesterday and am giving him 1 more month to pass first stage and show that dhe's developing a little discipline. I've given my 2 ladies who passed first a second system they both felt a little restricted and wanted to try something a little faster. They work together well and seem to enjoy being ahead of the men. I showed them an Elder Impulse system...Ignored
DislikedOnce again the ladies were rocking the ES with Elder Impulse this morning, the 2 men have added this system and tried it today but only about half what the women did, the speed of 1 min. candles was a little daunting for them. I am pretty sure at this point that pupil number 5 will not last, showing lack of patience and discipline. If ladies keep it up they will be funded by early next week they have a ways to go but I think they will make it also. I will look to find a few more students and pair them with the successful ones.Ignored
Dislikedhere's a chart with the Elder Impulse system ladies took 2 trades {image}Ignored
Dislikedtoday trades mixed win and loss ( summer weather on its peak and load shedding of 16 hours, missed previous two days) {image}Ignored
DislikedPeople look at the charts I trade, they tend to look similar in certain respects. Biggest thing is stay away from choppy looking charts. Look for periods of movement and consolidation. Above trades had one kind of messy chart USD/CAD. When I open my work space I go through the charts and zoom in from say 11pm to 7am. From there just toss charts that look too sloppy. Then wait for signals or confirmation of signals already showing.Ignored