Hey, RaptorUK. Good to see you again. I remember having a big discussion about a builder with you, WHRoeder, and Onewithzachy over at mql4.com.
mqlautocoder.com, to some extent, grew out of that discussion. I'm not here, or there, to promote any individual EA builder. The goal is to allow users of the builders to decide which software is preferred. Note that, under the site's rules, software publishers must disclose identity up front. Coders for hire would be well advised to do the same.
mqlautocoder.com, to some extent, grew out of that discussion. I'm not here, or there, to promote any individual EA builder. The goal is to allow users of the builders to decide which software is preferred. Note that, under the site's rules, software publishers must disclose identity up front. Coders for hire would be well advised to do the same.
An ounce of profitable logic is worth a pound of efficient code.