Disliked{quote} I calculated the buying power of the 2 amounts given as per your instructional video. 1,280,000 1:6 7,680,000 Buying power 51,200 1:150 7,680,000 Buying power Your 1.28 million funding in a 1:6 leverage account has the same buying power of 51,200 in a 1:150 leverage account. Incidentally, $51,200 is what the usable amount is in a 1.28 million account. You've just dressed it sexy and put a bow on it. By inflating the dollar amount to 1.28 million and by restricting the leverage to 1:6, you are making a 51,200 account with 1:150 leverage look...Ignored
Take your leverage-loan from any service you think can accelerate your trading success.
Your argument about leverage is understood. The5ers Leverage. Yes, we do, we are a funding program, it is a part of what we do. The leverage of itself is not the full package.
What thousands of our traders see that you wish not to see, is that the program provides plenty more than leverage accounts.
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