Disliked{quote} OK. Here you are. Input "Ask before do closing" is by default true. If Auto Trading isn't enabled you can see error in Toolbox -> Expert Tab. If you enter profit filter you can see it in status bar. If you enter in profit filter "0" for example you can see all trades that are in green numbers. If profit filter is activated buttons will close only filtered positions. Buttons are properly enabled/disabled. Please check it and let me know. This is early stage of development. Possibility of bugs is high. Please be aware of it. {file} {file}...Ignored
It seems ok, working well so far, but still testing it. Could you add a new function to it? Like auto profit function.
It would work like, you put in a number in the box, like 120, and if the position(s) reaches the number, in this case 120, the EA automatically closes the position(s) in
Single or combined instruments: meaning if Single: it only goes for an instrument, like USD/JPY reaches the 120 limit with 1 position or multiple positions.
if combined: it goes for two or more instruments reach the 120 limit with multiple positions. Like you have 3 opened
positions, EUR/USD short, USD/JPY short, GBP/JPY long and all together hit the 120 limit. (I think you understand it now.)
Profit filter: (it is your original filter, but you can switch it ON an OFF).
Auto profit: you can switch it ON an OFF.