Staying in my lane...
The Journ(ey)al of a Lazy Trader 0 replies
mt4 read only password question 2 replies
"Read only view" on Metatrader 10 replies
DislikedHey Vee, Do you already know about the forum You may find better info and more like-minded people in there… Regards, VíctorIgnored
Disliked{quote} This is my only online footprint in the social media world by choice. I am trying to get out of here for more than 3 yrs now but need someplace to chill and vent during long hours at work so this is it for me for now and forever :- And I am usually in a foul mood on Fridays so working on that and being extremely nice today... it's a work in progress for me to stay calm every Friday afternoon/evening/nights :-(Ignored
Disliked{quote} I thought you were against wicks? Did you change your mind?Ignored
DislikedThis thread is now considered CLOSED to the general audience. I am unsubscribing from my own thread to limit my focus to what's more meaningful to my life going forward.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Vee, it's only a matter of time before you come back to Forex. We are forex addicted; whether we like it or not. Even George has gone out of context when he mentined in his podcast; that he does not beleive in a trading system. he beleives in psychology. I actually paused the podcast and went and had a cup of espresso to digest that *knowledge*. Either he doesn't understand the meaning of a "trading system" terminology; or ***********.........#####????!!!! Ed Sekota said: "Everybody gets what they want from the market..."Ignored