Hi folks, simple question really. How often do you withdraw the profits you make from trading and do you have a specific plan/routine that determines how often you withdraw?
How often do you approach your systems max drawdown? 5 replies
Do you change your strategy and how often? 4 replies
how often do you change your system? 12 replies
To those of you who often trade exotic pairs like EUR/CAD and GBP/AUD, etc 0 replies
DislikedHi folks, simple question really. How often do you withdraw the profits you make from trading and do you have a specific plan/routine that determines how often you withdraw?Ignored
Disliked{quote} So if you started with 2000 and you made 100 profit you'd take the 100 out. If you made 300 would you take the whole 300 out?Ignored
QuoteDislikedI have a coupound interest plan , and i usually finish it after 3-7 months , then i withdraw (almost) everything , and i leave a small amount to make it all over again
DislikedIn the present account I start with $1000 and make 90% of it after 3 month of trading. After that i withdraw my $910 and since then, I bring only when I need the money . Once every 2 months approximately .Ignored