I wonder how low the Nikkei is going to open today.

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Dislikeddid you guys see that the global markets got crushed? itll be a really really interesting day for the US markets tomorrow.... what do you think turn?Ignored
DislikedGBP is tryin to gain strength so You can see upward movement but.. MOM is down till 10-11pm..But GBP is still tryin to gain strength which cause the market to range..
1sign up 1 down =RANGE
we will have clear direction by.3:30 I will post trade then..Ignored
DislikedGBP still weak till 2am...not saying to buy at 2 I wont be up till 3:30 to speakIgnored
Disliked4hr MOM is down so we can see weak sells for now if we can get MOM on our side then we can take more to buyIgnored