I have been running into a surprising lack of information, regarding time zones, and how different trading platforms are programmed. The questions raised just seem to beg for more answers. MT4 seems to run pm GMT, while FXCM is a GMT + 2/3, and Oanda's MT4 server is set for GMT +2. The consensus, around various other forums that have made an attempt at the subject, is that there is definitely a conflict. Whether it's designed to be one in their favor (the brokers), or for another reason is not clear. Just that it seems like a real blind spot. For Example, if plan to export your trading strategy to another platform, say, at the same time your trading on the one you've perfected your strategy on, and achieve a definite conflict of interest; if not, as others have reported, completely different results. I have an account with Oanda, and planned to open one with FXCM (as I plan to graduate to an ECN). Since the CFTC/NFA seem to have limited our options for ECNs, it seems rather crucial to comprehend how brokers are handling trades and their respective 'server stamps.' I wanted to provide you some detail here, and I'm not certain how to approach this issue. Any ideas? Anyone?...