Disliked{quote} Agree with the last part. yet to see anyone here, or elsewhere actually offering any real education to new traders. Just sales pitches and false hope.Ignored
I have stumbled across some.

Why do indicators not work/work? Why is Forex not truly random? 129 replies
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Disliked{quote} Agree with the last part. yet to see anyone here, or elsewhere actually offering any real education to new traders. Just sales pitches and false hope.Ignored
Disliked{quote} first of all, trading can not be taught. second, nobody knows anything. knowledge is just a set of data which is proven to be correct most of the time but not all the time. knowing is an eternal process for search of truth and not the final outcome. nothing that you "know" is absolutely correct. after all this, if there are still people who thinks they "know" something and can teach it, they have delusional disorder.Ignored
QuoteDislikedI've done quite a bit of work towards putting some educational material together for traders, but there's some roadblocks.
QuoteDislikedThe problem, as I see it, is that the new trader often loses the will to continue quite early. It's really up to them to get through the early stages and then seek a deeper understanding. A couple posters on this thread are perfect examples of traders who have their own style, styles that go against everything that's traditionally taught...and they trade like this because they understand how it works. That takes a long time.
QuoteDislikedI have stumbled across some.
QuoteDislikedIf I ever have a moment during my day when I feel like "the stars have aligned" and I "suddenly understand it all" - I turn off the computer because if I don't, I'm going to do something stupid -
Disliked{quote} It is important to come to an understanding of markets as a whole but knowledge of fundamentals is not necessary.Ignored
Disliked{quote} The macroeconomic and geopolitical fundamentals influence the market as a whole. To think otherwise would be foolish. It's not an either/or relationship. You can have sound technical understanding supported by fundamental knowledge.Ignored
Disliked{quote} It may influence the markets, but is it necessary to know in order to trade the markets? I trade the markets successfully without any appreciation for fundamentals. I am sure there are many others that do too.Ignored
Disliked{quote} The macroeconomic and geopolitical fundamentals influence the market as a whole. To think otherwise would be foolish. It's not an either/or relationship. You can have sound technical understanding supported by fundamental knowledge.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Again, it's a "both" relationship. Nothing is "necessary" in order to be successful, but everything can help. It's like building a house - yes, you could build it with four walls, some floors and two main columns, and you would have a good house for nice weather. If you have a solid foundation to which everything connects it will be a better house which can survive rougher times. The more you know the better you understand how reality connects with the market. If you are successful using only technical analysis you could be even more successful...Ignored
Disliked{quote} Appreciate your reply, but it was not a question that I need an answer to. The market movement shows you how it is reacting to fundamentals. So why spend time trying to figure out how the market is going to react to fundamentals? (no answer required)Ignored
Disliked{quote} My apologies! Not easy to gauge a rhetorical question over a forum. Try making a statement instead next time. rgdsIgnored
Disliked{quote} No worries. I am just responding as it was suggested that fundamentals are required to trade or that interpreting fundamentals will make you a better trader. My view is that it is not necessary but then I guess it depends on how long term your view is. Mine is very short. I trade not invest.Ignored
DislikedPoint is, the most objective interpretation of fundamental factors is a price chart. It would be wiser to let the insiders and strong hands do the analysis and simply tag along with the winning side.Ignored