The Sniper
- The sniper will train for years to sharpen and perfect his shooting skills, and the sniper knows exactly what his target looks like and pulls the trigger without hesitation
- The sniper must have unusual patience and be able to stay still for long hours.The sniper must know when to take the shot and when not to. He must be a keen observer, paying attention to details and being aware of his surroundings and everything that is going on around him.
- The sniper must be meticulous in his preparation; planning routes for both insertion and evasion, and should be meticulous in record keeping. Sniping is a constant learning experience, and the sniper must be able to keep acquiring knowledge to enhance his skills and abilities.
- The sniper in the military has an edge over his enemy; His edge is unwavering patience, mastery of his weapon, and the ability to remain consciously in control of his mind and body for long periods of time in high-stress situations.