Dislikednico when you say buy at 230.92 you mean when price on chart hits that number right? so entry would be 230.92/99 (7 pip spread) am i rightIgnored

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ECN && STP && Scalping && Hedging - Broker Review - Oct 2009 24 replies
Gbp/Jpy High Low Trading System 2 replies
High to High and Low to low time cycles 1 reply
GBP/JPY high or low? 4 replies
Dislikednico when you say buy at 230.92 you mean when price on chart hits that number right? so entry would be 230.92/99 (7 pip spread) am i rightIgnored
Dislikedhi ele
nicotina system for gbp usd is this:
h/l from 22:00 to 06:00 ( in north finance) (north is :gmt+2)
and usually nico dont answer the questions(i dont know why?) if you want you can ask others here such as bilbss and ....
i have backtested this system for 4 months it was good if you want add me we will chat about nicos system in gbp jpy and gbpusdIgnored
Dislikedhi ele
nicotina system for gbp usd is this:
h/l from 22:00 to 06:00 ( in north finance) (north is :gmt+2)
and usually nico dont answer the questions(i dont know why?) if you want you can ask others here such as bilbss and ....
i have backtested this system for 4 months it was good if you want add me we will chat about nicos system in gbp jpy and gbpusdIgnored
Dislikedhi, billbss
as you can see there is not so much movement today. should we still wait for order to be execute or we should cancel orders?
I think it does not seems to go that far even after taking order. what is your idea please comments.Ignored
Dislikedhi ele
nicotina system for gbp usd is this:
h/l from 22:00 to 06:00 ( in north finance) (north is :gmt+2)
and usually nico dont answer the questions(i dont know why?) if you want you can ask others here such as bilbss and ....
i have backtested this system for 4 months it was good if you want add me we will chat about nicos system in gbp jpy and gbpusdIgnored
Dislikedhi, billbss
as you can see there is not so much movement today. should we still wait for order to be execute or we should cancel orders?
I think it does not seems to go that far even after taking order. what is your idea please comments.Ignored
DislikedOK,I add you as my buddy,my email:[email protected],great to have you as my buddy.
I think gbp/jpy will close at 226.5 lower
Dislikedhi ele
nicotina system for gbp usd is this:
h/l from 22:00 to 06:00 ( in north finance) (north is :gmt+2)
and usually nico dont answer the questions(i dont know why?) if you want you can ask others here such as bilbss and ....
i have backtested this system for 4 months it was good if you want add me we will chat about nicos system in gbp jpy and gbpusdIgnored