Hello Fellow Traders, I hope this little piece will be of immense help to you and your trading. my journey as a forex trader is full of frustration,despair,hope,eureka moments,up here ,down there.. sometimes i felt like trowing-in the towel,just forget all about this my endeavor but there's this small still voice that will tell me i shouldn't. i have tried all manner of trading methods:correlation trading, divergence, picking tops and bottoms,tried trading the news, mention it.made profits only to have it snatched from me in the next trade and more.i blamed the brokers for my loss. i will buy a black box system hoping that will be the breakthrough for me. but will stop using it when my account is heading south. i just couldn't understand why. this cycle went on for years on. even the people they claimed making money in the business are either reluctant to train you or just fake (show me your account history they couldn't or wouldn't) for a reason best known to themselves. all this came to an end when i discovered my trading self. which is myself. i just couldn't stand losses, it made feel like a loser. i delved into trend following reading books by Michael Covel,Ed seykota, turtle trading by richard dennis etc and i discovered i don't have to be right all of the time but just a few times and to maximize my profit in those few times. i picked up a trend following method which has a winning rate of 30-40%. the first month was not encouraging but i kept on then my eyes started opening to what i called the LONG KEPT SECRET, I don't following the fundamentalist anymore its frustrating doing so, nobody knows what will happen tomorrow to USD or to the EURO ,or the YEN. it gat to turn at a certain Pivot,Psychological point or a Fibonacci ratios the chartist will shout (i have been in that school of thought) but the price will blow past all this levels as if it doesn't exist. i only follow the trend now when it develops and follow it like an ocean wave surfer until it ends. the maxim [/quote]cut losses short and let profits run is the key to long term profitability. i don't have problem with losses anymore infact i like them because i know the big winner is around the corner that will wipe them all out. i will not deviate from this method never ever. in my opinion trend following is the only method to winning in forex as you will not want to trade against someone who has limited losses and unlimited profit potentials.