Ok so I have been trading FX for about 3 years now and it seems that the market is getting less and less volatile, there seems to be little to know follow thru on moves and I am wondering if this is permanent or will eventually get better as countries raise rates and people can find yield in the market again. In addition more and more brokers are falling by the wayside. In the last 2 years I have had to switch brokers twice. First Alpari sold out to FXCM and now FXDD as well ( hmmm can you say US monopoly eventually. I guess Dodd and Frank didn't think of that did they, when they decided to protect me from myself and my pea sized brain that cant take responsibility for my actions. )
So anyway As I sit here with my small gain on USD/JPY of 20 pips which took all day to get I am wondering if Binary options are for real.
I am in the US and have been looking at a number of places to trade them. Today I messed around with Nadex and I can post the trades later but on one trade with a risk of $14.00 I made $400. My total for the day not including the expire have on USD/JPY for 7pm is a whopping $917.00 my largest risk was $42.00. The other platforms I have looked at have payouts of like 70% which means I need to hit about 55% of my trades to stay even. They are also in countries that are notorious for ripping people off and given what happened to all the bit coin folks I don't feel like having my broker use my money to fund a coffee shop and leave me in the cold. There is also the 200%bonuses offered and no demo accounts which make them all seem like casinos.
Long story short is there anyone on here who trades Binary or in general what are the views of those here at FF can you make money ( if you have a system ) and if so where do you start to learn.
Thanks to all time to watch the grass grow again
So anyway As I sit here with my small gain on USD/JPY of 20 pips which took all day to get I am wondering if Binary options are for real.
I am in the US and have been looking at a number of places to trade them. Today I messed around with Nadex and I can post the trades later but on one trade with a risk of $14.00 I made $400. My total for the day not including the expire have on USD/JPY for 7pm is a whopping $917.00 my largest risk was $42.00. The other platforms I have looked at have payouts of like 70% which means I need to hit about 55% of my trades to stay even. They are also in countries that are notorious for ripping people off and given what happened to all the bit coin folks I don't feel like having my broker use my money to fund a coffee shop and leave me in the cold. There is also the 200%bonuses offered and no demo accounts which make them all seem like casinos.
Long story short is there anyone on here who trades Binary or in general what are the views of those here at FF can you make money ( if you have a system ) and if so where do you start to learn.
Thanks to all time to watch the grass grow again