you cannot compare retail with the institutional space; both are two different world, which require / gives your the ability to trade differently. Even within the institutional space there are different worlds...if you think retail (brokers) arnt sure you will have a harder time understanding institutional space; competition is killing and nobody will give you some on a silver plate - you need to figure it out or you are a goner...
When it comes to retail trading itself; i believe setting up a position to ride a big wave is good (as long you are positive on the interest) and you have enough margin / capital to put up if require - but know when to go out (either side), however if you are in the black you can just day trade / scalp as a complementary piggybank - but the latter just requires a good plan on the money management and a really good understanding of leverage usage in general. Leverage is very powerfull, but o so dangerous if you did not covered all of your bases...
As a retail trader i do believe you should start with short term trading...scalping on tick charts or whatever...because this will teach you certain will make mistake, burn up accounts...going to be frustrated, stressed, angry, sad, greedy...maybe one or two sleepless nights...and few empty bottles...start all over - with more patience and less greed maybe - you would think... This will teach you the emotions and analytic skills you have as a person to see if trading is really something you have in you... However some people already have those skills (developed) from doing something way different then trading, but require the same kills; one in particular - being a good poker player...
But that said - one size does not fit all in FX generally....
Coming back to the institutional space...i do believe that this space isnt for requires really hard work...a certain mentality...the attitude comes from you as a person...if you think you can make big money and life the easy life - think again...sleepless night - different social life - and once you smelt the money its really hard to not smell more (once you buy that big house, buy that new Maserati, getting bespoke clothing from LV - im sure you are not satisfied after a little while)...and if you trade for a bank - you manager will want you to smell more and will put you to the test and the pressure will rise...and you will start again, but this time with more stress, more sleepless nights... its not about greed perse, but its all about preserving what you have and moving forward - which is just our human nature.
So yes - 100% you can get rich from (sales) trading (just depends where you trade) - but once the money starts to poor in - you already need to have different plan and make sure you work towards all of them so you have very soft landing when shit hits the fan...because like everything else in life...nothing last forever - you just dont know when it stops for whatever reason and then it can be hard to fall back to the way you lived before, unless you become wise enough to know you need to have the right people around you to make you plan work. Also being rich is subjective...all abt how much you think being rich is...100k a yr for sure, 500k a yr sure, 1M yes...2M very possibly...3M a yr...doable...4, 5 m a yr??? very hard but not impossible... do you want to make 10, 20m a yr??? just build a company, be the CEO and exit - maybe easier...i dont know.
When it comes to the intraday moves....the big money will come in and out intraday yes - but before you even realized it , its too late....but at least try to scalp it
The only way i see intraday making money is have a very good book with 1) enough capital, 2) having very good clients that want to trade with you so you can quote them your markup or 3) just trade on the microsecond timeframe. Im sure it looks like the 2nd option is the easiest...but being a sales trader is a whole different ball game, but once you have the proper clients that are commitment - that will be "easy" money. Wine - Dine - Travel - Being hours and days from home and collect your monthly commission check as long you do whatever it takes to get them in... 
Also these days its good to be specialized in a certain field within the FX...if you want to be a trader make sure you trade something that nobody else need to stand out - be different / special for the RUB indeed...or MXN...or CNH, bring something to the table... I would recommend MXN or ZAR, because the volumes are high there amoungst the EM's - however they are difficult to trade due to the algo's.
There are many aspects within FX where you can make a lot of for years on the retail front without any prior experience seems more difficult, if you truly want to make money in FX and are that risk taker you want to be / think you are....just quit you day job now and go find a job within the FX space in whatever role you think suits you.
From what im seeing, there will be a lot of new opportunities after the whole "refreshment" period thats happening now in the FX space and after the housing bubble...get a seat now, because the next best thing will probably not coming for a while. Im sure you are not even realizing how lucky you are living in this data driven age...
Anyway im not sure why i wrote all of the above, but just felt the need to do it...probably because its just end of the month...
When it comes to retail trading itself; i believe setting up a position to ride a big wave is good (as long you are positive on the interest) and you have enough margin / capital to put up if require - but know when to go out (either side), however if you are in the black you can just day trade / scalp as a complementary piggybank - but the latter just requires a good plan on the money management and a really good understanding of leverage usage in general. Leverage is very powerfull, but o so dangerous if you did not covered all of your bases...
As a retail trader i do believe you should start with short term trading...scalping on tick charts or whatever...because this will teach you certain will make mistake, burn up accounts...going to be frustrated, stressed, angry, sad, greedy...maybe one or two sleepless nights...and few empty bottles...start all over - with more patience and less greed maybe - you would think... This will teach you the emotions and analytic skills you have as a person to see if trading is really something you have in you... However some people already have those skills (developed) from doing something way different then trading, but require the same kills; one in particular - being a good poker player...
But that said - one size does not fit all in FX generally....
Coming back to the institutional space...i do believe that this space isnt for requires really hard work...a certain mentality...the attitude comes from you as a person...if you think you can make big money and life the easy life - think again...sleepless night - different social life - and once you smelt the money its really hard to not smell more (once you buy that big house, buy that new Maserati, getting bespoke clothing from LV - im sure you are not satisfied after a little while)...and if you trade for a bank - you manager will want you to smell more and will put you to the test and the pressure will rise...and you will start again, but this time with more stress, more sleepless nights... its not about greed perse, but its all about preserving what you have and moving forward - which is just our human nature.
So yes - 100% you can get rich from (sales) trading (just depends where you trade) - but once the money starts to poor in - you already need to have different plan and make sure you work towards all of them so you have very soft landing when shit hits the fan...because like everything else in life...nothing last forever - you just dont know when it stops for whatever reason and then it can be hard to fall back to the way you lived before, unless you become wise enough to know you need to have the right people around you to make you plan work. Also being rich is subjective...all abt how much you think being rich is...100k a yr for sure, 500k a yr sure, 1M yes...2M very possibly...3M a yr...doable...4, 5 m a yr??? very hard but not impossible... do you want to make 10, 20m a yr??? just build a company, be the CEO and exit - maybe easier...i dont know.
When it comes to the intraday moves....the big money will come in and out intraday yes - but before you even realized it , its too late....but at least try to scalp it

Also these days its good to be specialized in a certain field within the FX...if you want to be a trader make sure you trade something that nobody else need to stand out - be different / special for the RUB indeed...or MXN...or CNH, bring something to the table... I would recommend MXN or ZAR, because the volumes are high there amoungst the EM's - however they are difficult to trade due to the algo's.
There are many aspects within FX where you can make a lot of for years on the retail front without any prior experience seems more difficult, if you truly want to make money in FX and are that risk taker you want to be / think you are....just quit you day job now and go find a job within the FX space in whatever role you think suits you.
From what im seeing, there will be a lot of new opportunities after the whole "refreshment" period thats happening now in the FX space and after the housing bubble...get a seat now, because the next best thing will probably not coming for a while. Im sure you are not even realizing how lucky you are living in this data driven age...
Anyway im not sure why i wrote all of the above, but just felt the need to do it...probably because its just end of the month...