ahh ..thanks for the explanation skenobi

Anyone here profitable? Show your Live Earnings here 3 replies
Brokers and Banks as an Institutional Trader 4 replies
Anyone can provide market depth snapshot for ATC Active Trader ? 0 replies
anyone can login to vt trader? 1 reply
DislikedCan I know which brokers are you ex-institutional traders using now that you are no longer with a bank? Do you use multiple brokers or you use just one broker to handle all the trades?Ignored
Disliked{quote} Speaking only for myself, I have only one personal live account with one broker. Accounts in two other brokers co-managed with partners. Would rather not reveal the broker names as I'd rather not be seen as endorsing anyone. I can say that I would not choose a broker unless governed by regulations in the UK, Australia, Switzerland and/or Singapore, with higher priority given to outfits having bases situated within these domains.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Speaking only for myself, I have only one personal live account with one broker. Accounts in two other brokers co-managed with partners. Would rather not reveal the broker names as I'd rather not be seen as endorsing anyone. I can say that I would not choose a broker unless governed by regulations in the UK, Australia, Switzerland and/or Singapore, with higher priority given to outfits having bases situated within these domains.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Hey...retired bank fx traders...you got a home work to doNo offense, denis...p-e-a-c-e
DislikedFor retired institutional traders, a question May I ask what are you trading right now? Options, futures, equities, forex? And what is your trading style...intraday, short term (how many days-weeks), long term (how many months)?Ignored
DislikedYes. Retail traders complain and whinge about how the market and their brokers con and scam them. Professionals accept the fact that it's they who need to change. The trading style is irrelevant, the only thing is we need to scale in large volumes over a range of prices rather than what retailers would buy or sell at an exact price.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Do you use market makers or only DMA. As this is one arguement I keep seeing over and over. Conflict of interest being the contention.Ignored
DislikedThe platforms also make a fortune on the rollovers (for those who trade overnight). There's is big money in the funding aspect, but funding issues are also the reason platforms won't let you trade THB or the NDF'sIgnored
DislikedWhen a commercial fisherman goes fishing with his nets, he doesn't target a specific fish; he nets up every single one of them.Ignored
Disliked13. I don't remember having problems getting limit orders filled to my specs.Ignored
Disliked18. As a rule, I don't trade big news. "why not?", says you. "why should I?", says I. If I DID trade news on occasion, I wait 30 minutes to an hour for price to settle down and find direction, and then I trade accordingly. I never, ever pay attention to the actual or predicted "direction" of the news... only the direction of price.Ignored
Disliked18. I'm not an event risk kind of guy I usually like to let the dust settle first. But I'm constantly watching news and econ releases and anticipating scenarios in my head to try to get some clues about how the market is trading a certain pair or overall trend.Ignored
Disliked12. Yes, if a dealer gets a chunk of gbp/nzd he/she will most likely cover that with some gbp/nzd, but probably mostly gbp/usd and nzd/usd.Ignored
Disliked{quote} JF, I suppose you are talking about the swap rate? This is one aspect of spot forex which I'm thinking how to deal with, I don't scalp. I can be paying quite a good part of my profit if I have to keep my positions overnight. Any effective way to handle this for a retail trader?Ignored
........................................................ Base for a senior dealer is probably between 175-225k USD. Bonus is usually about 6% total compensation. Brokers provided the perks back in my day. Not so much now..........JFx ( I'm going to ice my hands now)
Disliked{quote} There is no easy way if you enjoy eating pork, otherwise its easyIgnored