Martian style

Baby pips style academy for other financial markets? 6 replies
theadam('s) Jacko style, Live trade journal. 5 replies
Daily Trades = Lazy Trades Journal 7 replies
forexben's eurusd jacko style journal 7 replies
Jacko style trades (collective journal) 12 replies
Dislikedtrades are based on channels,pivots and fibs.... ps- special ingredient is Martian UBX786 moving average, which is a secret.Ignored
Dislikedum yeah, this thread was started on april fools day. thats what i reckon.Ignored
Dislikedum yeah, this thread was started on april fools day. thats what i reckon.Ignored
DislikedBut reading some of the threads on FF, this alien crap cannot be any worse, beam me up scottyIgnored