- Joined Feb 2009 | Status: Member | 25,867 Posts
Martingale, Anti-martingale, and Compounding 40 replies
Martingale, Reverse Martingale, Modified Martingale, Maths 1 reply
Martingale Calculation EA (also reverse martingale) 3 replies
How to change this Martingale to Reverse Martingale ? 3 replies
Martingale vs. Non Martingale (Simplified RoR vs Profit) 1 reply
Dislikedas i was saying, once the M word is mentioned you will get hords of people denouncing it and so they should.Straight away they put forex in the same basket as flipping a coin. Flipping a coin is random, forex is not random. If you have a good strike rate then it should be possible to double up on a loser hence M, banks and institutes do it but the secret is for the little guys not to know about it. or just keep it in the same league as coin flipping.Ignored
DislikedI have no personal problems with him but....
1.) This is not a debate......
2.) He keeps trying to throw out that i am trying to buy/sell with no SL .......and just keep adding positions..........that is not the case.......I KNOW FOR A FACT! I will ONLY HAVE 1-5 entries into that pair for that day...A stop loss IS SIMPLE MATH! can be applied!
Since he keeps throwing gambling stats..... flipping a coin bull shit...i do not see the need for his comments...........And for a 10+ vouched member to not be able to make at least 1 profitable...Ignored
DislikedWhy is Jack larkin denied from posting here?
hi bud, i think he is barred for being too negative. M is in its self a ridiculous way to trade or bet, but like Dredding says he is showing you how it is possible to trade M, and i agree. Maybe if JL posted positive feedback and perhaps listened first everything wouold be different, they probably still burn witches where he is. Take careIgnored
DislikedFrom my experience so far vouchers mean nothing to me. Most of them are making – zero profits and then some. It is more of a who thinks a like system. What means something to me is how someone can hold his own on what he is affirming. I admit Jack has strong opinions and needs to be put in his place at times. But he does bring up some good points.Ignored
QuoteDislikedWisdom Vouching System
The Wisdom Vouching System (WVS) is used to estimate the trading experience of individual FF members. Members vouch for others they feel are experienced and wise traders, and the number of vouchers a member has can be determined by an icon on their posts and member profile. For example, a member with one voucher will display , a member with two vouchers will display , and so on up to eleven where they'll display .
The integrity of the WVS is maintained by only allowing members with four or more vouchers to vouch...
I am used to the hate when i try and tell people things....i think i said that in the 2nd post lolIgnored
DislikedHey, I am all for thinking differently. That’s my approach to trading. And is the reason why i am looking into your theory.Ignored
DislikedWhich is why i pointed out the APY on the savings/checking account......etc...
Bud, i am on your side lol. but its the use of the M word. Every time M word is used people refer back to that french dude who couldnt bet correctly at the casino. Nearly every body who i have ever encountered who bet on horses/dogs,roullette etc always come up with the M system without knowing that someone is credited for it which is tosh. Like you say and listen everyone, IF you have a good strike rate it'll work. and i aint going into...Ignored
DislikedIt's not a Fact, Nothing in trading is a Fact. We would all be billionairs. Please...Ignored
DislikedIt's not a Fact, Nothing in trading is a Fact. We would all be billionairs. Please...Ignored
Nope. everything changes daily. Events, news, banks, whatever...Ignored
DislikedWhich is why i pointed out the APY on the savings/checking account......etc...
Bud, i am on your side lol. but its the use of the M word. Every time M word is used people refer back to that french dude who couldnt bet correctly at the casino. Nearly every body who i have ever encountered who bet on horses/dogs,roullette etc always come up with the M system without knowing that someone is credited for it which is tosh. Like you say and listen everyone, IF you have a good strike rate it'll work. and i aint going into...Ignored