Hi, Guyzngalz n Fellow 4X followers and fans:
Well, the ol' scoreboard tells me that I have more than 50 posts up here now, so perhaps the restrictions of Rule #2 no longer apply and I can discuss some things with you more freely than I could before.
First, I want to thank all of you who took the time to inquire about the 5,190 pips in 70 days. That took some courage, in view of all the skepticism, but I think it is abating a little. However, I am not professional at compiling lists and doing mass mailings and if anyone didn't get info requested, I apologize. Just contact me again and I'll get it to you asap.
Second, I do not resent the skeptics at all. In fact, I approve wholeheartedly; that's the only intelligent attitude to take in view of the many scams on the web. So I find that some of you are still hunting around for "cookies" or links or some other way that I get paid. You won't just take my naked word that I refuse to join those programs because they would hopelessly compromise my objectivity. When I rave about a program or service, it's because I think it's worth raving about. Period. And I'm DELIGHTED to do it. Don't you think I enjoy finding stuff that works? Of course I do. Because I'm not here to sell stuff, I trade. And if my money doesn't come from this $1.9 trillion dollar a day market of ours, it just isn't going to come. So turn over every stone and leaf in the garden, if you like. At the end of the day, you will see that I am not compensated by anybody to speak well of their programs or services. If they are good, in my view, I tell others. And I appreciate being told about good programs and services by others -- even if they are affiliated. But if they are affiliated, I think they should say that plainly. It would be incredibly deceitful to claim to be uncompensated and secretly be on the payroll. I don't resent people making money and I'm broad-minded enough to accept that people might be making money by referring me somewhere but if it's worth being referred to, I'm grateful for it. They're doing me a service.
It may take a little while longer before you all realize that I haven't got a mickey to slip into your drink and the "Is Hiyo Really A Wretch Out To Sell Us Stuff" thread peters out. I'm a 4X trader here to talk shop with other 4X traders, because I think we all have a lot in common. I think we all were bright enough to realize that this market offered us some outstanding investment potentials and has many advantages over the other markets and I think we are all interested in taking some serious money out of it on a routine basis rather than losing our money routinely. So I prefer to be here talking with you, rather than in another forum where the major interest and topic of discussion is, say, cultivating rare plants or training show dogs. We have common interests and maybe we can help each other a little.
I benefit a lot from the time I spend sharing info with other traders. I get a tremendous amount of info, knowledge, references to websites I had no idea existed, corrections, suggestions, etc. from my fellow traders. There are other benefits besides just getting money from people or getting money to refer people. PEOPLE HAVE VALUE IN THEMSELVES. I believe that when you give to others, you receive in return. I think that's a law of the universe. So that's what I get out of it and it is of enormous value to me. I have a thousand eyes instead of just two out there. Each and every one of you knows something that I don't. Trust me on that because it's gospel. And while none of you is under any obligation to share it with me, many of you do, nevertheless. I find out about new stuff almost as fast as it happens when I never could all by myself. Because my colleagues and friends and associates and fellow traders say to themselves, "hmm, bet Hiyo would be interested in this" and they take a couple of minutes and e-mail it to me. If I already know it about it, no harm done. And if I don't, well, presto, now I do. And if it strikes me as interesting, I share it with my circle too. Right away. It's traders helping traders. There's nothing hard to understand about that. Knowledge is power.
But everybody on the web is not like me. So absolutely keep your guard up at all times.
If I try something, I want a free trial, unless it something as well known as Trade Station. And I use tons of them.
But I also want to tell you this and I hope you hear me. If you give something a quick, sloppy once-over, you will get a quick, sloppy understanding of it. If you look more deeply, you will get a deeper understanding. Nothing is right for all of us because our personalities, capitalization, and time constraints differ. Which is why trading is one of the most elastic occupations or avocations that we could find. I'm proud of being a trader. I'm proud of the equal opportunity here. And I think the Forex is the best market in the world to trade, hands-down. If it was taken from us -- God Forbid -- I would return to options trading. But you won't find me in markets where I have to pay commissions in and out on every trade and face gaps up and down daily and face negative margin calls and can't trade at decent leverage and am forbidden to day-trade without 25G in my account while the Forex is here and I can trade that instead. And it is hard for me to understand any traders in their right minds, who, knowing about the Forex, still willingly subject themselves to that kind of garbage. But there's no accounting for tastes. Chocolate-covered ants have no particular appeal for me, but some people love them. And if they want to eat them, let them! That's my view.
I have tried practically every program under the sun and I own and use several regularly. But these things are instruments and tools. And like all other instruments and tools, those with talent who take the time to learn to use them correctly and practice with them conscientiously will get superlative results with them and the others will fail dismally with those same tools and instruments. And there's no mystery why.
If you take a magnificent Stradivarius violin and give it to a great classical virtuoso like Yehudi Menuhin or Jascha Heifetz, you get one result. Take that same violin and give it to me and you get quite another result. It's the exact same instrument! What's the difference? One user has a whole world of talent, has studied the instrument since the age of five, has practiced upon it over 40 hours a week every week since then and knows how to use it. The other has no talent whatsoever and has never touched a violin in his life. It's so simple a child could understand it. No big mystery.
And the exact same thing is true of the entire universe of tools and instruments the human race has created to help itself earn, learn, entertain or play with. Take a baseball bat. Couldn't ask for a simpler tool than that. Give it to a Barry Bonds and you get one result. But do you think you could pick up that very same bat and go out there against a major league pitcher and get the results Barry Bonds gets with it? Of course not. And for the very same reasons I couldn't get the same results out of the Strad that Menuhin or Heifetz could.
Why would you imagine it could be any different with the tools and instruments we have created to help us trade with? It isn't.
So when you hear people telling you, "I tried such and so and it was no darn good," bear in mind that they may only have gotten out of it what they put it into it in the first place. Nothing but the purchase price. There's more involved.
There are many, many fine means, methods and modes available to us to help us beat this market or any other. Learning HOW to beat the market is not difficult. Coming up with the courage, discipline and patience to do what is necessary to be done to beat the market, that's the difficult part. And believe me, if anything in this world could be said to be difficult, that's difficult. Because trading requires us to go against our human natures sometimes in order to do it right.
Get enthusiastic and stay enthusiastic! Energized enthusiasm is the key, I'm sure of it. Avoid negative people and thoughts like the plague. They have nothing to offer us but depression and defeat.
Good trading to all, this week!
R. Sub'd,
Yr fellow 4X trader,
Well, the ol' scoreboard tells me that I have more than 50 posts up here now, so perhaps the restrictions of Rule #2 no longer apply and I can discuss some things with you more freely than I could before.
First, I want to thank all of you who took the time to inquire about the 5,190 pips in 70 days. That took some courage, in view of all the skepticism, but I think it is abating a little. However, I am not professional at compiling lists and doing mass mailings and if anyone didn't get info requested, I apologize. Just contact me again and I'll get it to you asap.
Second, I do not resent the skeptics at all. In fact, I approve wholeheartedly; that's the only intelligent attitude to take in view of the many scams on the web. So I find that some of you are still hunting around for "cookies" or links or some other way that I get paid. You won't just take my naked word that I refuse to join those programs because they would hopelessly compromise my objectivity. When I rave about a program or service, it's because I think it's worth raving about. Period. And I'm DELIGHTED to do it. Don't you think I enjoy finding stuff that works? Of course I do. Because I'm not here to sell stuff, I trade. And if my money doesn't come from this $1.9 trillion dollar a day market of ours, it just isn't going to come. So turn over every stone and leaf in the garden, if you like. At the end of the day, you will see that I am not compensated by anybody to speak well of their programs or services. If they are good, in my view, I tell others. And I appreciate being told about good programs and services by others -- even if they are affiliated. But if they are affiliated, I think they should say that plainly. It would be incredibly deceitful to claim to be uncompensated and secretly be on the payroll. I don't resent people making money and I'm broad-minded enough to accept that people might be making money by referring me somewhere but if it's worth being referred to, I'm grateful for it. They're doing me a service.
It may take a little while longer before you all realize that I haven't got a mickey to slip into your drink and the "Is Hiyo Really A Wretch Out To Sell Us Stuff" thread peters out. I'm a 4X trader here to talk shop with other 4X traders, because I think we all have a lot in common. I think we all were bright enough to realize that this market offered us some outstanding investment potentials and has many advantages over the other markets and I think we are all interested in taking some serious money out of it on a routine basis rather than losing our money routinely. So I prefer to be here talking with you, rather than in another forum where the major interest and topic of discussion is, say, cultivating rare plants or training show dogs. We have common interests and maybe we can help each other a little.
I benefit a lot from the time I spend sharing info with other traders. I get a tremendous amount of info, knowledge, references to websites I had no idea existed, corrections, suggestions, etc. from my fellow traders. There are other benefits besides just getting money from people or getting money to refer people. PEOPLE HAVE VALUE IN THEMSELVES. I believe that when you give to others, you receive in return. I think that's a law of the universe. So that's what I get out of it and it is of enormous value to me. I have a thousand eyes instead of just two out there. Each and every one of you knows something that I don't. Trust me on that because it's gospel. And while none of you is under any obligation to share it with me, many of you do, nevertheless. I find out about new stuff almost as fast as it happens when I never could all by myself. Because my colleagues and friends and associates and fellow traders say to themselves, "hmm, bet Hiyo would be interested in this" and they take a couple of minutes and e-mail it to me. If I already know it about it, no harm done. And if I don't, well, presto, now I do. And if it strikes me as interesting, I share it with my circle too. Right away. It's traders helping traders. There's nothing hard to understand about that. Knowledge is power.
But everybody on the web is not like me. So absolutely keep your guard up at all times.
If I try something, I want a free trial, unless it something as well known as Trade Station. And I use tons of them.
But I also want to tell you this and I hope you hear me. If you give something a quick, sloppy once-over, you will get a quick, sloppy understanding of it. If you look more deeply, you will get a deeper understanding. Nothing is right for all of us because our personalities, capitalization, and time constraints differ. Which is why trading is one of the most elastic occupations or avocations that we could find. I'm proud of being a trader. I'm proud of the equal opportunity here. And I think the Forex is the best market in the world to trade, hands-down. If it was taken from us -- God Forbid -- I would return to options trading. But you won't find me in markets where I have to pay commissions in and out on every trade and face gaps up and down daily and face negative margin calls and can't trade at decent leverage and am forbidden to day-trade without 25G in my account while the Forex is here and I can trade that instead. And it is hard for me to understand any traders in their right minds, who, knowing about the Forex, still willingly subject themselves to that kind of garbage. But there's no accounting for tastes. Chocolate-covered ants have no particular appeal for me, but some people love them. And if they want to eat them, let them! That's my view.
I have tried practically every program under the sun and I own and use several regularly. But these things are instruments and tools. And like all other instruments and tools, those with talent who take the time to learn to use them correctly and practice with them conscientiously will get superlative results with them and the others will fail dismally with those same tools and instruments. And there's no mystery why.
If you take a magnificent Stradivarius violin and give it to a great classical virtuoso like Yehudi Menuhin or Jascha Heifetz, you get one result. Take that same violin and give it to me and you get quite another result. It's the exact same instrument! What's the difference? One user has a whole world of talent, has studied the instrument since the age of five, has practiced upon it over 40 hours a week every week since then and knows how to use it. The other has no talent whatsoever and has never touched a violin in his life. It's so simple a child could understand it. No big mystery.
And the exact same thing is true of the entire universe of tools and instruments the human race has created to help itself earn, learn, entertain or play with. Take a baseball bat. Couldn't ask for a simpler tool than that. Give it to a Barry Bonds and you get one result. But do you think you could pick up that very same bat and go out there against a major league pitcher and get the results Barry Bonds gets with it? Of course not. And for the very same reasons I couldn't get the same results out of the Strad that Menuhin or Heifetz could.
Why would you imagine it could be any different with the tools and instruments we have created to help us trade with? It isn't.
So when you hear people telling you, "I tried such and so and it was no darn good," bear in mind that they may only have gotten out of it what they put it into it in the first place. Nothing but the purchase price. There's more involved.
There are many, many fine means, methods and modes available to us to help us beat this market or any other. Learning HOW to beat the market is not difficult. Coming up with the courage, discipline and patience to do what is necessary to be done to beat the market, that's the difficult part. And believe me, if anything in this world could be said to be difficult, that's difficult. Because trading requires us to go against our human natures sometimes in order to do it right.
Get enthusiastic and stay enthusiastic! Energized enthusiasm is the key, I'm sure of it. Avoid negative people and thoughts like the plague. They have nothing to offer us but depression and defeat.
Good trading to all, this week!
R. Sub'd,
Yr fellow 4X trader,