Disliked..... I've been concentrating on keeping the spirit of the original system but finding a more intelligent way to trade it. ..... Also I've been concerned with keeping it simple. ...., let's bank some pips next week!Ignored
At the moment, I find I need something "in my face", preferaby on the chart I'm looking at, just to make sure I don't forget it. Thats why I'm using the PL4 Clock and a mix of other indicators showing the pair, the spread & actual prices in large font. It's on the chart anyway, but this way it hits me all the time. Probably just making up for inexperience (though I have traded a few markets off & on over the last 6 or 7 yrs).
Another thing I'm looking at is a "market view" profile with a mosaic of the top pairs (12 - 15 tiled charts) with only a linear daily HA indicator showing. This acts like a "heat map" and quickly shows what is trending or what has just changed direction. If a pair looks promising, I can open another profile showing just that pair for further study & possible trade. While it's just another way of looking at the same thing, I should save it for a possible future thread so as not to detract from yours.
The more I look at what you're presenting, the more I believe you're onto a winner. It has certainly got my attention and I'm looking forward to the next few weeks of testing.
Cheers, Ozefex.
Edit: Just one thing - I think you should continue with the round number indicator of your choice to show the 50 & 100 S/R levels. I've just got used to this & I think it's worthwhile. There are at least a couple of other threads on trend trading systems also incorporating round number levels. Its just a pity MT4 doesn't do this by default.
Still learning - No guarantees...