Disliked{quote} Hi, Cableguy. im a kind of reversal trader, and the 123 is an important part to consider when i chose my reversal levels. don’t know whether or not you also trade reversals, if any, could you please share some of your opinions on how you pick the SD zones when trading reversal? best regards.Ignored
I think that the answer is too complex to explain in one post!
I would suggest that every trade i take is a reversal, but i try to take them back into the underlying trend, (everything is fractal, so i'm talking about the next largest cycle), thus i am predicting the end of a corrective move.
Along the way I've practiced Elliott Wave for 7 years or more and can't help but to view the market in phases or cycles.
Combining Fibonacci levels together with wave counts can be very accurate and i have a thread with many examples of this, but in all honesty, keeping it as simple as possible. I will look for a 123 to trigger by break of point 2 and then wait for a retrace close to point 3. If it doesn't pullback, hey ho, wait for the next one.
I spent years taking the triggers of 123's but that puts the risk too high compared to waiting for the pullback to original S/D level at start of the move.
Market structure (HH/HL's or vica versa), then pullback, without breaking that trend, then 123 back into underlying trend;
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