Tony, pardon my slowness please . . . "15/120" means ?
How do you know all the positions held by big players? 25 replies
ECN && STP && Scalping && Hedging - Broker Review - Oct 2009 24 replies
Central Banks and Big Players: Slight change in code reqd 7 replies
Japanese housewives are wrecking the forecasts of big players! 25 replies
Big players and Forex 4 replies
DislikedHi Tony, just stumbled upon your thread, thank you for the help you are giving to the community here and its great! I would to start using your system here from today onwards, but just to check, can it still be used with a 1Min chart? My broker is MT4 only hence that's the smallest timeframe i could use. Kindly awaiting your advice, thanks!Ignored
Disliked{quote} Welcome Ken, the time-frame you use is only for your personal display. Whether you use 1 min or 15 min charts it is really without influence on the main trading method since these are display optionsMake sure you follow the main settings found on page 1. Good trading!
Disliked{quote} Hi Tony, thanks for your responseGood to hear always from the man himself! As of now, im not really sure how the trade direction is decided. In essence, how would you determine whether to buy or sell just before a news release? Sorry if i missed something that already answered my qn in the thread! ><
DislikedThis system seems promising. Does the long 5 sec bar have to occur right after open price of hourly bars? ThanksIgnored
Disliked{quote} It's really based on your sentiment, you have the edge so it doesn't really matter whether you go long or short.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Thanks Tony! Will be watching out for the GBP Inflation Report Hearings as per your notice. Watching the USD unemployment too. Any other key news release to watch out for?Ignored
Disliked{quote} Thanks Tony! Will be watching out for the GBP Inflation Report Hearings as per your notice. Watching the USD unemployment too. Any other key news release to watch out for?Ignored
Disliked{quote} GBP Inflation Report Hearings CAD Core Retail Sales m/m I don't suggest anything else.Ignored
Disliked{quote} How to trade the GBP inflation report taking position with 15 SL two minutes before the news or watching the chart like a hawk ??Ignored
Disliked{quote} I suggest you place the order before. Here we goooo! I stayed up all night for this.Ignored