Currently 7741, got in at 7754. How far do you think it will fall?

Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication ( Elite ) 866 replies
Why are we afraid of simplicity? 96 replies
Simplicity is the key to brilliance 36 replies
Signals for Simplicity 1,144 replies
The Journal of Simplicity Trade 12 replies
DislikedDEAR..TRADER 101
I think is good strategy, but i can't find the triger for entry. could you some explanation to give its?
where the key? 15 menutes TF, and where i have to enter?
sorry my english isn't good?
plis your advice?
Dislikedcan you give a bit more ?
I have not seen the entry yet~
I would confirm that on a break to 0.6860Ignored
DislikedShort UJ @ -7
Short AU@ 0
Long NU@ -8 (initial spread loss~)
looking for a good entry point on GU.Ignored
DislikedAU -- you have a good trade
NU -- that is good too
UJ -- its might go either way, but my guess is short
GU -- can go either way but mu guess is longIgnored
DislikedAU --- this will take at least till AUD close, or at least 2 hours
NU --- Was uncertain, was going to enter late when break 60, but trusted you, I always believed you have better entering point. Of course, we both agreed the bullish fact!
UJ --- only one lot traded @ 121.90, will trade another lot if reached 122.20, both stop @122.50.
GU --- same guess with you, very close SL set @1.9500 for max loss of 30 pips. Shall it break I will enter short with target 1.9450
PS. ONLY NU traded 2 lots, remaining trades @1 lot each
now focusing on USD/CHF...I smell you ?Ignored
DislikedUSDchf i was waiting for it to run short at18:00 but those ducks just fly away after hitting 1.2470 check your fib, its the support. but i know it will come back later and then we go SHORTIgnored