Disliked{quote} Thanx for your time but this doesn't really helps any one to become a good trader and be profitable. Loved conversation with you have a great day!!!!Ignored
How Reward to Risk Ratio affects your trading results 0 replies
How news affects trend trading 12 replies
What news affects trading? 2 replies
Affects of Hoof and Mouth in UK 2 replies
Christmas affects on USD, EUR, GBP, CHF, AUD, NZD and JPY 1 reply
DislikedYes correct and edge of my system is MM, even a layman can make money with random trading with a great MM. there are many theories supporting this fact.Ignored
Disliked{quote} read again this theories, this fact is not true! when you dont have a positive expectation value, MM is total useless and will improve nothing. for random trading you need only one thing: luck! you need to learn the basics correct or you get hit by this basic mistakes hard on your way as a trader. having a lot of books dont help, learn how the real market works and understand the "why" and ask yourself by any little detail "why". and dont do step 10 before step 1.Ignored
Disliked{quote} when you have any solid strategy which really works do share here, Thank you We all can learn from it.Ignored
Disliked{quote} tell me what is working not? (without some martingale strategies and strategies you dont test and improve) you really search in strategies with negative expectation value or with lower win than Nasdaq ETF over time (so high opportunity costs). you can switch from gambling to trading when you want invest time: the question "tell me a strategy" will not help for this step. become a trader first, then trade! at the moment as gambler no strategy will help you, first become a trader (by learn the basics about market and trading and yourself.......Ignored
DislikedProvide $20,000, and I’ll run my system on your account. I guarantee my system won’t blow up and will generate consistent profits. We’ll share the profits fairly,Ignored
Disliked{quote} So you are asking money from people? The thing you ask for is called a commercial agenda. If people want to prove themselves; they can share a Trading Explorer, no need to give their hard earned money to anyone.Ignored