QuoteDislikedWith a drawdown of over 26% this guy needs to earn 70% profit going forward just to reach Gold status. Makes no sense to me.
No,that's not how math works for Gold Darwinia. This darwin VMAR can go to "sleep" for next 6 months and he will still enter Gold Darwinia with criteria for the last 12 months fulfilled (at least 20% profit with less than 8%DD in the most recent 12 months). If he keeps up good work he will fulfill criteria for 2 years in the following 12 months and than he is not only out of woods but what is most important for third party capital allocations(investors): he would gain credibility with serious,wise investors.He climbed out of deep hole.
I am long enough at this darwinex journey to have seen how thousands of traders and investors behave over time.I have impression you guys from Darwinex Zero have no idea how investors at darwinex behave.Serious investors look for long trackrecords showing not only profits,but also staying power over years and ability to stay disciplined and climb out of DD.
There are always dummies investing into beautiful Equity curves on short trackrecords,but those people scatter like rats during first moderate DD.That is a fact.If you produce phenomenal profits during your first year and get those investors,half of the AUM will run away in the early phase of the first DD. Ask @Triglav ,he went through such phenomena with one of his earlier darwins. Ask him how he felt psychologically during those weeks under pressure.
Darwinia is not only for you guys to recover subscriptions and for us at Darwinex Classic to get pocket money,but to train you how to trade with other people's money responsibly.
Traders get overwhelmed when flow of investor's money starts pouring into darwin and in space of 6 months you get from 0 investors into 100-200 investors,a lot of money and you actually see at your trading platform their names and you understand it's their savings on the line,not virtual money.And than happens first DD and half of them leaves in a matter of few weeks at the moment trader needs most support and understanding...
Realistically,you need at least 3 years of trackrecord and a realistic Equity curve with some successfully resolved DDs- all that shows your capability,staying power and discipline.After all you are supposed to perform for investors for many years and collect performance fees for that.There are old darwins who despite stagnant year or two keep their investors because they know trader will perform again and will not do anything stupid to hasten return of profits.