DislikedWhat happened on last Friday is exactly what I was talking about in my last reply (ignored by the majority of you because no one likes to hear the truth). The power of the strategy is to understand when to trade ranges and when to trade trends. For me friday was a great trading day bacause of the upward movement on EU and KOF also would have been buying and not selling for so long, but he has to take these risky trades only to show you how the basic strategy works. To survive using only the basic version you have to use ridicoulus leverage, in this...Ignored
1) Mutiple examples of the styles being swapped and what kind of triggers were used to make that decision.
2) Multiple examples of a failed breakout (with multiple positons) and how they were managed to avoid a huge loss (whipsaws happen).
3) An account report showing consistent performance using the style swaps (A.K.A the full EMA strategy) and failed breakout management.
I don't think anyone here ignored your first comment, on the contrary, it made a big echo. However, there is no framework to make sense of the information you were sharing and how to be practical about it, so feel free to help in that regard (the three points mentioned above).
Best regards!