I would really like to connect with someone who could amend this model for a slightly different approach that I believe will be better aligned with how AI solutions work and the markets for trading.

Neural Network Trading, Serious people only! 127 replies
Neural Network trading using Matlab and Metatrader 8 replies
neural network based systems in forex 22 replies
Neural Network anyone? 12 replies
The "Better" neural network 53 replies
DislikedBasic premise: since major forex markets are chaotic then they exhibit entropy and will never preserve order long-term. In a nutshell, you bet on that and make profit. Easy-peasy. This makes sense, too. If the markets were becoming less chaotic then it would slowly become more and more regularized and predictable until prices would become simply a function of x and easy to calculate at any x. This also makes sense because currently markets are grounded in reality which is infinitely chaotic and will imbue unpredictability. It would require unspeakable...Ignored
Disliked{quote} How is it possible to get a statistically reliable outcome from disorder? If betting against x event is profitable then we have to assume x happens more than it doesn't which implies there is already an order but there isn't. Am I missing something here?Ignored
Disliked{quote} TensorFlow has a stock price prediction model available on its homepage. Apparently, it is about 60% accurate. The challenge is the changing externalities (new releases over time from the company, government, competition, interest rate changes, tax changes and so on) that impact price can't be predicted. I would really like to connect with someone who could amend this model for a slightly different approach that I believe will be better aligned with how AI solutions work and the markets for trading.Ignored
Disliked{quote} You have to analyze the code, think for yourself what you are trying to accomplish and what you are actually doing. You can analyze the data many ways but you have to start somewhere and go from there.Ignored