Disliked{quote} Looks good Ryan, I need to find time to investigate this strategyIgnored
Highest high and lowest low are more accurate.
I'm very suspicious . So all that shit about "close" values make no sense for me. Why we all are using candle close value? Why?
In fact what close is? It is the value of the price at the 60 second (if we are talking about 1m tf). So what? Why not the value of every 43 second? This make no sense. But highest value of the period is really highest value. Same as lowest.
if I have no direct answer on the question I will not use that instrument. Example questions:
1. What are the source of forex tick volume data? - No answer.
2. Why use period of 14 for RSI? What it 14? - No answer.
3. Why use exponential moving average, not simple? Why period 200? What is 200? What for we need to average the average?
4. Why min lot size on forex is 0.01 only? Their databases not allow to have more than 2 decimals? It is too hard to program?
5. Why TFs are 1,3,5,15? Where are 2 and 10? Why we can't go deeper than 1 min?
6. And so on and so on.
Observer effect