Disliked{quote} Mffu gives 2500$ live and forfeit any other extra profits made on it..... My math says if i put 270$-280$ in personal . There is a very grim chance of turning it into 15k++ in matter of 2 months. Coz i made 12k in withdrawals on those two accounts + had 3k worth of drawdown as well in same time period of 2 months. Thats where prop firm comes in. No prop firm gives Live on day 1 so you have to pull enough profits to move to live. At that point its doesnot matter what type of account it is..Ignored
I think nsak3y is asking why not take the money and trade your own account with the Live DD money instead, however I don't think MFFU gives you the option like Apex to take the money or go live.