Who is going to beat this guy ?
@Pipmaster , the old man missed that sentence…

@Pipmaster , the old man missed that sentence…

Anyone trading with a Prop firm 6 replies
So I accepted a Prop Trading job in South Beach Miami 44 replies
prop firm new model - my trading journey 871 replies
DislikedWho is going to beat this guy ?{image} @Pipmaster , the old man missed that sentence…
DislikedWho is going to beat this guy ?{image} @Pipmaster , the old man missed that sentence…
Disliked{quote} Good for the guy who made this much so far….. i am not surprised highly possible he got paid…pulling these numbers of prop firms are not a new thing…. if anyone follows patrick weiland on youtube… he is killing topstep in similar wayIgnored
Disliked{quote} Good for the guy who made this much so far….. i am not surprised highly possible he got paid…pulling these numbers of prop firms are not a new thing…. if anyone follows patrick weiland on youtube… he is killing topstep in similar wayIgnored
Disliked{quote} the problem with this payments is often, you dont know how much is marketing (and its in many kind possible do this as marketing trick) and how much is real. its no problem to earn this in real private accounts (some need weeks, other months, other years for this ... depends on skill, risk appetite and account balance) and withdraw it anytime and check if its real, but in prob any of this can be easy fake because is done so often as fake (most easy marketing trick of prop companies, when money gets an influencer chance for fake is even big...Ignored
Disliked{quote} I am agreeing to most of yours points... But now adays alot of average JOE's have 100k + payouts from prop firms specifically FUTURES (so many youtube streamers with payout proofs who have subscribers less than 1k).... I know couple of guys personally who have made surplus of 200k in last 6 months alone from props.... So i am saying not everything is FAKE there are people who killing it. When it comes to MFFU if its true or not i dont know but atleast i dont hear any denials thats a good thing..... When it comes to PAtrick i am not defending...Ignored
Disliked{quote} i mean with faker, that he never traded at all. he only had paper accounts or prop maybe. so not easy calling him a trader. but i dont know much about him, because he is not known in trading, only heard about him in the fake topics sometimes. but a lot of prop will do good marketing just by work together with persons with some followers (dont need to be much follower, because costs for the prop are zero dollars for a lot of marketing). they just fake payments, they dont pay this in real, the "trader" just get the paper that its paid this...Ignored
Disliked{quote} Good for the guy who made this much so far….. i am not surprised highly possible he got paid…pulling these numbers of prop firms are not a new thing…. if anyone follows patrick weiland on youtube… he is killing topstep in similar wayIgnored
Disliked{quote} the problem with this payments is often, you dont know how much is marketing (and its in many kind possible do this as marketing trick) and how much is real. its no problem to earn this in real private accounts (some need weeks, other months, other years for this ... depends on skill, risk appetite and account balance) and withdraw it anytime and check if its real, but in prob any of this can be easy fake because is done so often as fake (most easy marketing trick of prop companies, when money gets an influencer chance for fake is even big...Ignored
Disliked{quote} You are trading on Topstepx platform ? if so , is there a way to practice on the platform before you start the combine ? How long you can practice ? never had issue’s ?Ignored
Disliked{quote} I would consider this as an inspiration tome than the truth. This helps to imrove ourselves. If one is able to make 10 % of what is said there, he is successful person. I see that Monty and some others thriving to come into that category.Ignored
Disliked{quote} You are trading on Topstepx platform ? if so , is there a way to practice on the platform before you start the combine ? How long you can practice ? never had issue’s ?Ignored
Disliked{quote} Hi Stoneyrocks, With the Combine purchase comes a 150K Practice Account for you to use during the course of your time with TopStepX. No additional cost for this.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Inspiration should come from real things not fake shouldn’t it?Ignored
Disliked{quote} I am agreeing to most of yours points... But now adays alot of average JOE's have 100k + payouts from prop firms specifically FUTURES (so many youtube streamers with payout proofs who have subscribers less than 1k).... I know couple of guys personally who have made surplus of 200k in last 6 months alone from props.... So i am saying not everything is FAKE there are people who killing it. When it comes to MFFU if its true or not i dont know but atleast i dont hear any denials thats a good thing..... When it comes to PAtrick i am not defending...Ignored
Disliked{quote} I definitely lean more towards your side. While it would make sense from a marketing perspective to display these huge payouts and possibly even be paying some influencers because the ROI is there based on the traffic they bring, I also believe their are many making big payouts as well. It also depends on the firm, there are some I believe 100%, some I'm on the fence and others I do not believe a singl thing they say. MFFU is near the top of my list now, most likely starting with them this week. This thread is my source for 99% of the decisions...Ignored