Disliked{quote} Am I dumb for thinking FTMO is a safe bet near term? Worth the risk/reward anyway?Ignored
Anyone trading with a Prop firm 6 replies
So I accepted a Prop Trading job in South Beach Miami 44 replies
prop firm new model - my trading journey 871 replies
Disliked{quote} Am I dumb for thinking FTMO is a safe bet near term? Worth the risk/reward anyway?Ignored
Disliked{quote} FTMO is safe. There is no near regulation coming for FTMO. Actually the safest option to join any prop right now.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Am I dumb for thinking FTMO is a safe bet near term? Worth the risk/reward anyway?Ignored
Disliked{quote} Sorry Andy but you have no credibility to advise who is safe or not after pumping Bespoke shamelessly.Ignored
Disliked{quote} You are dead wrong. Such prop firms existed since 1998 at least. This industry is over 25 years old. First there were Future props with additional capital especially because for the high margins the exchange demanded. So there was a need. Nowadays on FX prop since 2012 it is only for the additional capital or max. DD you get for the fee. This industry will survive longer than you think for sure. Just think on FX broker industry. In US it is nearly dead but still very alive across the globe. That's it.Ignored
DislikedAfter a year of having an account with a prop. I still cannot understand their business model. Everywhere you see the usual complaint, that when payments get big, people are either kicked out, delayed, or hassled. If you look at the negative comments in Trustpilot, of the big props, they are scary. We all thought in the beginning, that the "prop idea" was genius, give people money to trade, copy the trades of the best traders, and charge a fee to cover your risk from the losers. I figured: this was a win-win situation.
Now I...
Disliked{quote} Think $1000 is minimum withdraw. And you only get fee refund on the 5th withdraw i believe. Not ideal conditions but still, the dropping of all those other rules makes them bit more attractive.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Could not find anything about that (the refund) in the FAQs site. It seems a bit hidden rule (knowing that the standard of the industry is refund with 1st payout). Searched for refund word in T&C and there is nothing as well. A bit shady, it seems.Ignored
Disliked{quote} It seems it’s not only the prop firms, but that essentially everyone want a piece in the pyramide scheme of finance. They cannot go on the real market cause it’s mostly run by the U.S, the regulatory authorities want 20 million to even sign up as a broker. Someone earning commission on clients, have 1/2 of that commission eaten by liquidity provider. They got metatrader license, server costs, office costs and also the financial risk with every of your trade. I don’t think they have an A-book or connectivity to interbank market their trade...Ignored
DislikedWe all know more at Monday next week at 6th of November when the MFF vs. CFTC hearing is. It depends much if MFF can continue in a way or is completely off table.Ignored
Disliked{quote} It is strait away mentioned on their website on FAQ. See below. Can confirm the refund is with the 4th payout. {image}Ignored
Disliked{quote} Tim isoara posted on the prior page that Kazmi & his legal team requested for the upcoming MFF court date to be delayed AGAIN! So it's been moved all the way to Jan 26th SMH.Ignored
Disliked{quote} But that's Canada. The US one stands for tomorrow, I think. Anyway, not sure if anything will happen tomorrow.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Thanks Andy. I didn't see that one ! Already edited my post. For the IP thing that resembles Funded Next with proof of travel and all that stuff. Btw, you asked if 5ers had bank wire but they only have Wise and crypto, at least in payout request screen. Not sure if they can organize anything different if requested. {image}Ignored
Disliked{quote} Yes, if they use A book , most probably they only use it for risk mitigationIgnored
Disliked{quote} But what is A-book? It seems to be a floating definition. Is it a pool of markets makers? Is it 1-2 banks? Or is it the actual interbank market?Ignored
Disliked{quote} So you need to have your own WISE account , your normal bank account to receive is not good enough ?Ignored
Disliked{quote} To say you are a professional hedge fund trader you come across as either naïve or delusional, I'm yet to decide. FTMO isn't a legitimate proprietary trading company, show me the market liquidity....Ignored