I call upon my father's spirit , watching over me
DAX Futures March 2021 3,900 replies
DAX Futures June 2020 5,691 replies
DAX Futures June 2019 3,138 replies
DAX Futures June 2018 3,411 replies
Dax Futures March 2016 148 replies
Disliked{quote} yes closed some but wanted to hold some for a higher target. nut now you're giving me thoughts: "take the Money and run"...Ignored
Disliked{quote} 560 added now 1 short additional I have now 2 FDXM JUNE 549,5.Ignored
Disliked#post 10=+6 pips FDXM #post 13=+1 pip FDXM #post 16=+4 pips FDXM #post 17=+7 pips FDXM #post 19=+16 pips FDXM #post 26=+4,5 pips FDXM I have now only 1 FDXM JUNE short 549,5.Ignored
DislikedTotal lockdown here today and for next 20 days! Vaccine mess all around! DAX is trading in only 40 pts range last hours! I need to calm down!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZObniFoLo0Ignored
DislikedTotal lockdown here today and for next 20 days! What does total lockdown mean in your country? Can people go to work etc.?Ignored
DislikedIn the while 550 zone is building a base both for DAX CASH INDEX and for DAX JUNE Futures........ If it holds we could see 14600 later...Ignored
DislikedDAX JUNE FUTURES are slight higher than DAX CASH INDEX prices and than MARCH FUTURESmaybe because they take into account dividends that will be paid next months. DAX CASH INDEX chart here below. above 525 zone greenlight for at least 560 zone and probably 590 zone. Karuner was right yd to buy and hold positions. {image}Ignored
Disliked{quote} 59..600 zone target, but it depends on price speed, acceleration or not ...we'll see , we are near the sky, tough Dutchy says sky has no limits!Ignored