Hey everyone one forexfactory.com I just recently started to use metatrader just to see if I like it or now but I do have one question that Im trying to answer and I cant seem to find the answer on the internet so Ill ask all of you. How I recieve sms messages on my cell phone or emails to my email address when certain indicators cross or stuff like that? I have been using SHI_SilverTrendSignal indicator alot and I love it except I cant always be at my computer when I a see a red or blue dot appear on my screen. Is there a way to have it alert me when Im traveling about??? I use fxtrek charts alot and I know how to do all that on those charts. If I can figure out how to use metatrader like that then I might consider switching over. Anyways ,I use gmail as my email and cingular as my cellphone provider. I dont know if that makes a difference or not.