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- Ilovepippin replied Feb 24, 2022
Not me, but if you have a good understanding of Ganns methods and you pay close attention you can easily pick up what he is doing. Personally I never used secondary progression but it works good. The 32 day short term cycle I found many years ago as ...
Planetary Cycles Trading (EUR/USD)
- Ilovepippin replied Feb 23, 2022
Some of Ganns methods are revealed and available for everyone to see with explanations. Check out this YouTube channel: HEXATRADE360 - YouTube
Planetary Cycles Trading (EUR/USD)
- Ilovepippin replied Feb 23, 2022
Thats what I am betting on. Gov is not very honest about the inflation suppressing gold prices, but it has to catch up at some point.
Planetary Cycles Trading (EUR/USD)
- Ilovepippin replied Feb 23, 2022
Yes, sun and moon cycle have a big influence but set your charts up to moon settings. Gann lines at 130 pips instead of 100. The moon ascendant trick works on secondary progression. So, take a high or low and find the position of the moon. Then ...
Planetary Cycles Trading (EUR/USD)
- Ilovepippin replied Feb 22, 2022
You are correct, the sun spot cycle correlates to Jupiter. You need to find a trading instrument that correlates to the 11 yr cycle. Gold or Aussie dollar for example and try it out. In Jensens book attached you can find more about it.
Planetary Cycles Trading (EUR/USD)
- Ilovepippin replied Feb 18, 2022
On Gann's reading list there are 2 books that give different opinions. Mundane Astrology by Raphael gives the old rulers. Horary Astrology by Robert DeLuce gives both Uranus & Saturn for AQU, and Jupiter & Neptune for PIS, but keeps Mars for SCO. ...
Planetary Cycles Trading (EUR/USD)
- Ilovepippin replied Feb 15, 2022
Countries are signs, not planets. You need to use the ruling planet of the sign the Country represents.
Planetary Cycles Trading (EUR/USD)
- Ilovepippin replied Feb 14, 2022
Tokyo J (spelled wrong) in nummerology = 2+6+2+7+6 = 23 +J=1 = 24 = 6 The 6th planet or heavenly body inside our solar system (including the sun) is Jupiter and minus 1 (Tokyo J -1) = 5 = Mars. Also the fact that the description is: So, if planets ...
Planetary Cycles Trading (EUR/USD)
- Ilovepippin replied Feb 12, 2022
52? Where have we seen that before? My chart of EURUSD: image
Planetary Cycles Trading (EUR/USD)
- Ilovepippin replied Feb 12, 2022
You have got to follow the airships. The airships are the planets. Figure out which planet is which airship and an attack is a bad aspect. A big attack is a big drop etc. Robert Gordons airships are the good aspects that lift the market up. Also ...
Planetary Cycles Trading (EUR/USD)
- Ilovepippin replied Feb 11, 2022
I never heard of Pat Reda. I didn't quite figure all of it out by myself, had some help from the book by Jensen, a student of Gann and later a very successful financial analyst. The Dow crash in TTTA was predicted for 1930. Of course we know that ...
Planetary Cycles Trading (EUR/USD)
- Ilovepippin replied Feb 10, 2022
I have an idea. But remember, Gann and TTTA is a special case. The Dow was founded on February 16, 1885. So he only had historical data from 1885 till 1927 when the book was written. In TTTA he speaks of cycles that are much longer, like the 60 year ...
Planetary Cycles Trading (EUR/USD)
- Ilovepippin replied Feb 9, 2022
LR or Sun can invert on aspects between Uranus-Saturn, Uranus-Mars, Saurn-Mars, eclipses, and sometimes Mercury aspects with the malifics. 33yr is Venus return cycle and yes works with a few commodities. I don't use it as I don't trade commodities. ...
Planetary Cycles Trading (EUR/USD)
- Ilovepippin replied Jan 27, 2022
Metonic cycle is a 19 year cycle in which the sun and moon will be at the same position of the zodiac on same day. Moon returns to the same position every 5 years. So, this is not related to a first trade date. The LR cycle was pointing down, it has ...
Planetary Cycles Trading (EUR/USD)
- Ilovepippin replied Jan 24, 2022
There are 2 cycles at work on the eurusd: The lunar return and metonic cycle. At this time they are in disagreement. It is likely that we get a new low if the trendline from the 11/24/21 low gets broken. After that from early feb the models agree on ...
Planetary Cycles Trading (EUR/USD)
- Ilovepippin replied Jan 4, 2022
and part 2 Sq9 How W D Gann used the Square of 9 in trading - YouTube W D Gann's Square of Nine - YouTube
Planetary Cycles Trading (EUR/USD)
- Ilovepippin replied Jan 4, 2022
Sq9. If you want to know about the sq9 please read the attached books.
Planetary Cycles Trading (EUR/USD)
- Ilovepippin replied Jan 4, 2022
Gold is following the sun cycle. It is very sensitive to Uranus aspects with Saturn, Mars and Mercury, and also to eclipses, lunar and solar. The drop on 11/19/21 happened after a lunar eclipse. The drop in may was after a solar eclipse. Also watch ...
Planetary Cycles Trading (EUR/USD)
- Ilovepippin replied Aug 19, 2021
Your doing a good job FxNature. The reason that the cycle isn't always "on time" is because every financial instrument has a major and a minor cycle. You are just showing the major cycle of this instrument. Minor cycles and astronomical events like ...
Planetary Cycles Trading (EUR/USD)