- Search Forex Factory
- Piters replied Jul 8, 2015
GREXIT IS no event anymore, if you are looking for clues. go to EUR bond market and look at the yields.. They are not as sensitive as we are seeing on medias.. also.. we may see "some" bottom here in EURUSD.. the main market driver lately comes from ...
- Piters replied Jan 16, 2015
oh yeah.. true, very true.. I wish you a good health, and lot of Joy, fun and happiness, my friend.. P
Technical Analysis Fallacy
- Piters replied Jan 16, 2015
hi Boss..
Technical Analysis FallacyThere is a proverb: "Everyone is HERO after the battle" . To be short.. over 3y, brokers and Lazy traders were milking SNB struggle with 1.2.. The "no-brainier" trades I guess, finally got the "mail in the Box". Not saying that was ...
- Piters replied Sep 11, 2014
Truth? truth ? You cannot handle the Truth.!!
EURUSD[I believe I still have a screenshot of your Trade-explorer 5-6 months ago.. ] Seriously, You have no fricking idea what you are talking about "Mister". Just Keep using your patriotic indicators and ...
- Piters replied Sep 11, 2014
what's wrong with you ?? bad day ?? bad "trip" ???
EURUSDi see.. Good luck..
- Piters replied Sep 11, 2014
Europe was and still is THE Center of Civilization. Everything good and bad was born there. To look back in History and wars, you need to look from different perspective. Divide the historical time line into 3 parts: 1. Pre Gutenberg era, 2. Post ...
- Piters replied Aug 8, 2014
What happens when you don't turn your phone off when you are at a classical recital !! Have a Great Weekend mate
Cable Update (GBPUSD)video
- Piters replied Aug 8, 2014
almost done for a week, closed GOld earlier today, now having some fun with long scalps in GBPJPY..
Cable Update (GBPUSD)
- Piters replied Aug 6, 2014
we see which music they start playing. If true that HF's are dumping Carry positions.. then.. well Let the Game Begin ! interesting timing.. anyway..
- Piters replied Aug 6, 2014
Someone sold over $3 yards of dollars on the floor (25,000 JPY futures contracts ) pushing the Sept JY futures from 97.75 to 98.28 in a few mins Carry on Garage SALE.. Cheers!