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- TradingGurus replied Oct 4, 2016
url I'll take that as a "NO!" then shall I?
Carpe diem: Intraday tactics for Dax and Dow
- TradingGurus replied Sep 30, 2016
I've returned after a considerable period of absence idly wondering if anybody's discussing Deutsche Bank in here? It seems everybody who's anybody left aeons ago. D1 in particular? Is anybody still here making money?
Carpe diem: Intraday tactics for Dax and Dow
- TradingGurus replied Mar 15, 2016
That is patently true!
whether to change the trading strategy from time to time?
- TradingGurus replied Jan 24, 2016
Once upon a time an offspring of mine was featured on the Keiser Report. Max neglected to mention Sid by name though
The Trader's Academy - by Traders for TradersSid the Superstitious Robot
- TradingGurus replied Jan 22, 2016
For details of some of my trials and tribulations with LMAX see e.g. url et seq.
Carpe diem: Intraday tactics for Dax and Dow
- TradingGurus replied Jan 22, 2016
So in this day and age "mean reversion" trading is a better bet than searching for the big "breakout"?
The Trader's Academy - by Traders for Traders
- TradingGurus replied Jan 21, 2016
I also don't much care for MT4, and I also have an FXCM MT4 spread bet account! Personally I prefer GKFX. One point fixed spread on DAX. However please note my recent trials and tribulations!
Carpe diem: Intraday tactics for Dax and Dow
- TradingGurus replied Jan 21, 2016
Welcome back D1, and you played Draghi well once again!
Carpe diem: Intraday tactics for Dax and Dow
- TradingGurus replied Jan 21, 2016
My apologies for any perceived "creepiness". In answer to your question, step 2 of Medici's 7 step process, although it is in actual fact more of a "suggestion" than a "want".
The Trader's Academy - by Traders for Traders
- TradingGurus replied Jan 21, 2016
Sorry, but I'm banging the same drum yet again! Sounds like you need a "system" that you have confidence in? It's nice (IMHO of course) to see some exits on your PNG though.
The Trader's Academy - by Traders for Traders
- TradingGurus replied Jan 20, 2016
That's exactly what I meant, though it would be preferable (IMHO of course!) if FxClown could reveal his (I expect you're right) methodology rather than let the rest of us speculate.
The Trader's Academy - by Traders for Traders
- TradingGurus replied Jan 20, 2016
OK. Returning to Earth from the stratosphere, FxClown seems to have done very well with her/his "first SS trade". The initial PNG showed an entry but no exits. I don't know about you, but I'm still eager to discover the relevant "objective criteria" ...
The Trader's Academy - by Traders for Traders
- TradingGurus replied Jan 19, 2016
The "poem" was quoted by Taleb, but "automatically" generated by a bunch of surrealists. Many quants don't care for all that arty-farty stuff, but evidently you are not one of those! Have you ever experimented with "random" entries. Drawing an ...
The Trader's Academy - by Traders for Traders
- TradingGurus replied Jan 19, 2016
As MB put it How about this one? Apart from my programmatic pedantry I also have an artistic side to my personality! Schizophrenic, moi?
The Trader's Academy - by Traders for Traders
- TradingGurus replied Jan 19, 2016
Firstly I always enter, at least semi-automatically, using a stop or limit order (sometimes in combination). Likewise on exit, although preferably via the limit! At first glance it looks as though seahorse would be proud of you, but I'm afraid I'm ...
The Trader's Academy - by Traders for Traders
- TradingGurus replied Jan 19, 2016
Accepted. Whilst I agree with you about Taleb's "celebrity" status I do however think there is some merit in his earlier works such as "Fooled by Randomness" and "The Black Swan", much like "Morally Bankrupt". And the video does include Daniel ...
The Trader's Academy - by Traders for Traders
- TradingGurus replied Jan 16, 2016
Thanks for the tip Medici. I hadn't previously stumbled across "Trade Mindfully". I've read "Thinking..." though, and I even bought my eldest daughter a copy of the paperback for Xmas! For those who aren't into "dry reads", here's a video of Daniel ...
The Trader's Academy - by Traders for Traders
- TradingGurus replied Jan 15, 2016
Thanks for your good wishes, but we seem to be at cross purposes here. I wish you good luck on your journey also. However I've already been where you suggest I go, and you haven't yet answered my question(s). Your PNG at first sight seems (to me at ...
The Trader's Academy - by Traders for Traders
- TradingGurus replied Jan 15, 2016
Well played sir. And a short to boot!
Carpe diem: Intraday tactics for Dax and Dow
- TradingGurus replied Jan 15, 2016
Patience is a virtue?
Carpe diem: Intraday tactics for Dax and Dow