- Search Forex Factory
- thegmann replied Feb 23, 2016
It was oversold at 176 it was over sold at 166 its over sold at 156....catch the pattern? lol "Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent" This sucker is crashing and burning and has been we haven't had a month candle like this ...
Dragon Riders GBP/JPY
- thegmann replied Feb 22, 2016
Sold some USO calls on this rally today with the increase in IV. Was able to get around a .40 credit on april 10 calls. Will be looking to get in short again on SPY and DOW but we may still have some more up to go got in tiny little shorts on Nasdaq ...
Let's Trade Options
- thegmann replied Feb 17, 2016
Good luck, Id love to get a nice rally to load back short again but based off how things have been playing out lately we'll probably just roll over and die here before I can get anything substantial put on. Closed out on my Feb positions for a ...
Let's Trade Options
- thegmann commented Feb 4, 2016
I'm waiting for the day everyone realizes NO ONE knows where any currency is going to trade lol. It's all just probabilities and guessing thats it.
EURUSD Soars 240 Pips, Breaks Key Resistance
- thegmann replied Jan 25, 2016
Looks good I still have a $10 covered call running in USO with BE at 9.22 thats few dollars in profit. Oil is above $32 bottom might have been set who knows. This last rally was really good to me got everything back in profit after being down a bit ...
Let's Trade Options
- thegmann commented Jan 23, 2016
Centrally planned economies work up until a point. An extremely poor/poverty stricken state will be able to see great gains in its standard of living and overall well being quickly under a centrally planned economy. However, the advantages quickly ...
Could a Few Billionaires Close the World's Poverty Gap?
- thegmann commented Jan 19, 2016
It will make my year if these jokesters can pump the SP500 back up to 2000 in the next month. Short the hell out of it.
Deutsche Bank: We expect the stock market to go 'up and soon'
- thegmann replied Jan 19, 2016
Markets insane not even a slight bounce at all yet...The more this goes on the more i'm thinking this is it. Still hoping and praying for one more Central Bank fueled squeeze before the house of cards comes crumbling down. Just take the S & P back ...
Let's Trade Options
- thegmann replied Jan 14, 2016
Got in on a nice Big Lizard on the QQQs around the open. Also put on a short vert call spread on SPY at the high of the day short 193c long 196c. Apple rallied back nicely for me today 105 may still be a possibility well see...My oil position was up ...
Let's Trade Options
- thegmann commented Jan 12, 2016
From a simple risk/reward perspective oil can only drop $30 more dollars and then its worth "$0". Of course this will never happen, oil is not worth $0. Upside potential? Well just look at history and how high the price has gone. Anyone with half a ...
Strong dollar could send oil to $20
- thegmann replied Jan 12, 2016
Added some short delta today on the nice spike we had earlier. Put on 2 bear vertical call spreads shorted the 198 Feb16 SPY call and long 201 SPY call. Also put on a bear vertical call spread in the QQQs short 108 Feb16 call and long 110 Feb16 ...
Let's Trade Options
- thegmann replied Jan 7, 2016
I'm looking to get short either tlt and sell some puts against it or long tbt and short some calls depedning on how things open. If we can get any sort of rally towards 2000 on the SP or 106/107 on the QQQ's i'll be looking to hop back in short as I ...
Let's Trade Options
- thegmann replied Jan 7, 2016
Nice one. Still waiting for my options buying power to become useable in my account today is the 3rd day since moving money over
Let's Trade Options
- thegmann replied Jan 6, 2016
Yeah may be out of my leauge for now.... It just looks so tempting though especially if we get another big drop. Anyways down a bit on my AAPL spread i put on yesterday bought in a little early and stock took another tumble probably not going to be ...
Let's Trade Options
- thegmann replied Jan 5, 2016
Wow didn't think i'd ever get filled at 174.5 but I did this morning jesus...the risk off is real holding this sucker to infinity and beyond.
Dragon Riders GBP/JPY
- thegmann replied Jan 5, 2016
I went long the 105/110 feb16 call spread in AAPL and short the 31/30 put spread in BBY. Still watching CMG may look to put on bull call spread there as well around 450 or wait see if we can get 425 in few weeks before throw one on. Got ...
- thegmann replied Jan 4, 2016
Thanks. Hoping for more of a sell off tomorrow. Looking to get long some call spreads in apple, if anything is going to go up this year I think it'll be that. Also may gamble a bit on chipotle we're pretty much at 2013 prices the stock has sold off ...
Let's Trade Options
- thegmann replied Jan 4, 2016
Slightly in profit. Need short puts to decay more and should get into more profit.
Let's Trade Options
- thegmann replied Jan 4, 2016
Hi Fool, nice thread you've got here. I am just starting to get into options myself and have been just doing a lot of studying. I currently have 2 trades on, starting small on 1 contract each. I have 2 bear vertical put spreads in the SPY and DIA I ...
Let's Trade Options
- thegmann replied Jan 4, 2016
I would be extremely careful today is shaping up to be a VERY risk off kind of day. China down 7% and trading halted, Saudi/Iran situation and first trading day of the New Year. Things can get crazy quickly especially if US opens poorly. GL everyone ...
Dragon Riders GBP/JPY