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- tehuringa replied Mar 11, 2016
This... from the iron ore highs of U.S. $180/tonne to $40/tonne is a change of around 78%. When you consider the correlation that the AUD has shown with iron ore over the years, a drop from U.S. $1.10 to $0.74 still has a lot of downside.
AUDUSD Trading Pit
- tehuringa replied Jul 30, 2013
This.....it wouldn't register for me either. No space, tracking sideways, nowhere near perfect pinbar. You can draw lot's of lines/fibs on a chart and try and justify a trade, adding credence to something that you no is not an "A" trade and ...
james16 Chart Thread
- tehuringa replied Jul 12, 2013
Man.....6340 pages. An epic thread fellas......hat's off to Jim, Mike and all the members behind it and I hope you are all well
james16 Chart Thread
- tehuringa replied Feb 20, 2011
Hey fellas! Wish I could spend more time here...very busy at the moment
james16 Chart ThreadStill trading my bum off though
- tehuringa replied Feb 20, 2011
Good to see the same old faces pumping this thread along....you guys are priceless and I hope you are all well! TH
james16 Chart Thread
- tehuringa replied Oct 5, 2010
I got in on that last night....95500 RN, PPZ, off the trend-line on my feed, with the trend, in space....maybe lacked a little weight compared to the previous bar but everything else added up nicely.
james16 Chart Thread
- tehuringa replied Oct 1, 2010
I don't have to prove anything to you and nor do I intend to...I've told you where you can find the results. Try reading the J16 thread here...all the information is free and there is stuff that builds on Prings work. I just don't get what your ...
James16 is not credible
- tehuringa replied Sep 30, 2010
I'm not brainwashed....I've just found methods that work for me and fit my trading personality....I'll defend James till the cows come home because what he teaches turned my trading around. I have results from live trade calls documented in my trade ...
James16 is not credible
- tehuringa replied Sep 30, 2010
Sorry for the delayed reply Jim.... all's good here mate...now living on 3000 acres so there's plenty to do in between trades
james16 Chart Thread
- tehuringa replied Sep 29, 2010
Hey Ghous & Mikey! The wine is always good brother
james16 Chart Threadi hope you are both well and in fine form! Cheers Dave
- tehuringa replied Sep 29, 2010
Just a quick check in to say to all my J16 bro's....I hope everyone is well
james16 Chart Thread
- tehuringa replied May 21, 2010
You forgot to start that with "Grass hopper"...... :nerd:
james16 Chart Thread
- tehuringa replied May 21, 2010
Keep at it Pinbar....the pyschological aspects of trading are the key. Master yourself, have a trading plan and stick to it and use sound MM and you'll be fine. Don't be in a hurray either...pick a pattern....say your name sake and just trade those ...
james16 Chart Thread
- tehuringa replied May 19, 2010
Hi Rahman....keep it up mate...this thread is gold PF is still going strong....very active, lot's of questions, videos, webinars, chat sessions, senoir member contributor sections and it is great to see so many trading journals. There's a few sneaky ...
james16 Chart Thread
- tehuringa replied May 13, 2010
+1 on that....essential reading along with Pring on Price Patterns & Tharp's TYWTFF
james16 Chart Thread
- tehuringa replied May 12, 2010
Here is the Pin Bar EA I use....expensive though...I'd suggest starting with a Magic 8-ball
james16 Chart Thread