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- fxfrancais replied Dec 4, 2006
Cable — itme It seems like yesterday you were predicting a serious recovery (<8600)by January next year and (possibly) a high of 9150 - 9200 before. Gven the Friday close of 9800, what is your revised prediction? Best regards
Low Risk, High Reward Trading Experiment
- fxfrancais replied Nov 30, 2006
Possibly overstreched?? — "We are monitoring so many currency pairs that there is insufficient time to properly analyse some of them. As soon as I get on top of a few, another few slip through my fingers." Itme, Is it possible that your ...
Low Risk, High Reward Trading Experiment
- fxfrancais replied Nov 26, 2006
Bagovino??? — Bonjour. Which time frames do you recommend?? I usually use 4 & 2 hour charts and, when a trade is indicated, confirm with 1 hour, 30 & 15 minute charts. Not always confirmed though!!!
New profitable System - Sidus
- fxfrancais replied Nov 14, 2006
Put the handbags away!! — Now that the dust has settled from the latest round of slapping faces with gloves, how about letting Itme get on with the research?? If you have read the thread thoroghley, you'll find that some losses have been ...
Low Risk, High Reward Trading Experiment
- fxfrancais replied Nov 8, 2006
Late entry — I have been trying the following on a demo account. When reading the recommended trade, the price often graduates towards the stop soon afterwards before (sometimes) going in the recommended direction. So, I do not enter at the ...
Low Risk, High Reward Trading Experiment
- fxfrancais replied Nov 1, 2006
News releases — Hi Itme, Once again, thanks for a comprehensive reply to my query!
Low Risk, High Reward Trading Experiment
- fxfrancais replied Oct 31, 2006
OK - Where now?? — Itme, I had GBP/USD & 1.9080 as an absolute tops ( give or take 5 pips) & found 1.9100 had been hit this afternoon (I'm in France)!! I have no complex wave formula, in fact, my slowly developing system is primative BUT if I ...
Low Risk, High Reward Trading Experiment
- fxfrancais replied Oct 16, 2006
Usd/jpy — Hi Itme, Given your long-term prediction of an 800 pip rise in this pair, do you see a corresponding fall in either GBP/USD or EUR/USD? If not, what about GBP/JPY or EUR/JPY?
Low Risk, High Reward Trading Experiment
- fxfrancais replied Oct 10, 2006
TRADE 202 — Hi Itme, In view of the failure of this trade and your explainations, perhaps your closure of this experiment is premature. At this stage in the experiment, you must be fine tuning your system to eliminate the such failure factures ...
Low Risk, High Reward Trading Experiment
- fxfrancais replied Oct 9, 2006
The end is in sight?? — Hi Itme, Sad, glad, intrigued, disappointed etc etc that your experiment is nearly over - this has been a great thread to follow. What do you plan for the post experiment era??
Low Risk, High Reward Trading Experiment
- fxfrancais replied Oct 2, 2006
eur/cad — Hi Itme eur/cad nudging 1.42. What is your opinion given several revised stops etc? Regards
Low Risk, High Reward Trading Experiment
- fxfrancais replied Sep 28, 2006
Newbie's basic error — Hi Itme, I hope this will be of interest to fellow new traders who follow this thread. I have been following your experiment for some time and used the recommendations to trade on a demo account with some success. ...
Low Risk, High Reward Trading Experiment
- fxfrancais replied Sep 17, 2006
Analysis — You gave quite comprehensive performance analysis early on in your experiment. Traders who follow your thread now may not trade in some of the pairs that are in your experiment and it would be informative to, at least, give some ...
Low Risk, High Reward Trading Experiment
- fxfrancais replied Jul 3, 2006
Keep at it!! — Hi, You've has plenty of advice and (mainly) constructive criticism. The 2 most important points are to realise that live trading is nothing like demo trading and to give yourself a bit more leeway by increasing your 10 pip ...
My simple way of trading
- fxfrancais replied May 29, 2006
Your thread — Dave, I have read your thread and have regarded your charts as top notch. However, if you've got a "secret method" that you cannot share, good for you but all my interest in your thread has gone. This is a forum for exchange of ...
My trades by Dave
- fxfrancais replied May 19, 2006
Fxnewbie — Thanks for the open and frank report on progress and aspirations. If Fxnewbie lost 2/3 of his account in one go, he still has enough capital to invest in a large pack of paper tissues, can crawl into a corner and cry his eyes out!! ...
Low Risk, High Reward Trading Experiment
- fxfrancais replied Mar 27, 2006
Magnet gaps — Hi JohnFX, I have been looking at various charts analysis. Your magnets are based on 1 minute charts - what has been your reaction to a similar gap in a 2 minute chart? Bon soir
JohnFX's Price Magnets
- fxfrancais replied Mar 12, 2006
How do you do it?? — Hi, I've followed your threads with interest and was surprised by the supposed simplicity of your method - I admit entry is a poser! I have a slight problem - although I also use Sierrachart and Trackdata, I am unable to ...
JohnFX's Price Magnets
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