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- noobie1 replied Jan 16, 2015
I'm in the process of moving my account to citi... dealing with the bank vs. the bucket shops is a no brainer after this crap. The funds you put into the account fall under fdic protection in case of insolvency, so up to 250k. GL
- noobie1 replied Jan 16, 2015
Thanks pipster... wow... amazing. Perfect reason not to leave loads of money in your account... could get screwed and not even be in a trade...
- noobie1 replied Jan 16, 2015
Also, is there a brokerage that insures the account in case the broker becomes insolvent?... I know there's insurance for other types of trading but commodities/futures/forex a different beast I guess... not insurable because of crap like what ...
- noobie1 replied Oct 21, 2010
Thanks Steve... got it to open and compile with no errors... got it to open the dialog box on the chart, but it won't go any further than that. Heh... told you I was a noob!!
MQL4 -> R-Project - Interface Library
- noobie1 replied Oct 21, 2010
wow I'm a noob — Can't seem to get the indicator to work... tried to compile it and it can't open it... not sure what I'm doing wrong... any help?? Thanks
MQL4 -> R-Project - Interface Library
- noobie1 replied Oct 24, 2008
Dow futures down 534... its Armageddon on the footsteps...
Auslanco - GBP/JPY and GBP/USD (newstrade)
- noobie1 replied Oct 23, 2008
May not make it there... at least for now.
Auslanco - GBP/JPY and GBP/USD (newstrade)
- noobie1 replied Oct 23, 2008
I'm going to try a small long at 152.60... 2 standard deviations from DP. 30p sl
Auslanco - GBP/JPY and GBP/USD (newstrade)
- noobie1 replied Oct 23, 2008
Patiently waiting for a retrace to reload shorts, but it just won't stop...
Auslanco - GBP/JPY and GBP/USD (newstrade)
- noobie1 replied Oct 23, 2008
UJ just broke 96.00... could be a while before longs are in order now.
Auslanco - GBP/JPY and GBP/USD (newstrade)
- noobie1 replied Oct 23, 2008
You may very well be right Orion... looks like people want to try to take things into their own hands eh? url
Auslanco - GBP/JPY and GBP/USD (newstrade)
- noobie1 replied Oct 23, 2008
Hmmm... wonder if 156.20 will still hold
- noobie1 replied Oct 23, 2008
Sell off on dow has muted down to almost even now... could send this up some more...
Auslanco - GBP/JPY and GBP/USD (newstrade)
- noobie1 replied Oct 23, 2008
... hmmm... thought that was what 'last page' button was for...
Auslanco - GBP/JPY and GBP/USD (newstrade)
- noobie1 replied Oct 23, 2008
Malcolmb, Do you use Bollinger Bands to let you know when to get into the long on gy? If not, what did you use to let you know it temporarily bottomed? Any ideas of where a good place is to reload on shorts?... maybe 5m 50ema?? If it makes it, lol. ...
Auslanco - GBP/JPY and GBP/USD (newstrade)
- noobie1 replied Oct 15, 2008
Thanks for the reply Peaches... and look forward to you being right
Auslanco - GBP/JPY and GBP/USD (newstrade)
- noobie1 replied Oct 15, 2008
Hi Peaches, How did you calculate this again?? I have never heard of this method before and was wondering how you came about it and is it fairly reliable as a target calculation tool... thanks in advance.
Auslanco - GBP/JPY and GBP/USD (newstrade)